O.K., so here is my first official post! New news in our family is that our little guy is starting to roll! Yay! He still gets stuck a lot, but every so often he makes it over...and then he looks so amazed with himself!! It's GREAT! Also, he just had his 4 month birthday, so we are now giving him baby cereal! At first he hated it, but now he is getting the hang of it and seems to like it pretty well! I will put a picture of the mess eating creates...who would've thought cleaning up a messy child could be so fun and rewarding! He has become very talkative as well and sometimes he scares me when he makes yelling noises, but usually he is smiling while he does it...so I think he's just practicing his vocals. We went to "Baby reading time" at our library yesterday, and little dude LOVE it. Before Christmas break we went every other week or so and he didnt seem to get much out of it; I think it was mostly for me to get out of the house! Anyways, we went back for the first time since Christmas and he just smiled at everyone and seemed to LOVE looking at all the other kids and enjoying the group songs we sang! Great stuff! Maybe I have a future reader on my hands!
Will and I are enjoying the new homestead and we had one of our friends, Joey, over for dinner last night, which was great fun for me! I got to prepare all afternoon a great meal, as well as see our friend who is also enjoying being transferred out here. (you are missing out on the sarcasm in my voice, LOL) Joey is a college buddy of ours and now works with Will, and though it sucks being away from family and friends, I am glad to see him and his fiancee from time to time! We are also thinking of joining a gym around the corner because they have "Mommy and Me" workout groups as well as a couple of pools for swimming and "Mommy and Me" swim classes. Even though the little guy is to young to benefit from the swimming, it is something all three of us could do together while Will and I get a bit of a workout! Right now it is pretty cold here, and we have already gotten some snow falls...so hiking is really not desirable right now. We don't live in a good neighborhood for running either, and the park closes at dark...which is when Will gets home! So, this gym sounds like it might be a good place for us to go be active as a family. They also have basketball gyms and all kinds of workout classes! I am planning on checking it out today; if Will gets home early like he hopes we will go together, otherwise me and little guy will give it a going through. Take care!
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