So I am CRAZY proud of him and so excited for him to have this opportunity. But, there is a down side. The job runs 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, in MOBILE ALABAMA.
That is not where we live.
So, it looks like we will be temporarily moving down there the beginning of Sept, when he gets things more settled and can actually think about having us all around, AND after Little Dude is able to have a fun birthday with all his little friends. I think I am mostly torn up about taking Little Dude away from all his friends.
But, it is OK, we have done it before, and in fact, the whole reason I started blogging was because we had moved to Tennessee 4 days after Little Dude was born, and I was crazy lonely in a new city.
I will be fine, the boys will be fine, the drive to Mobile will not be fine, but it will be well worth it. Because even if Bill's job took him to Siberia, there is no way I could be away from him for months at a time. He is my backbone, my best friend, and support system above all others, and I am so grateful for the sacrifices and hard work he does to take care of our family.
And thank goodness, my work from home job for Dakno Marketing allows me to work anywhere there is internet connection, so I will be able to keep working and earning lots of shopping money.
Because, you know, I will need some cute suitcases for the boys to pack stuff in. And we will need some decorations for the apt we get down there. And some other homey type things I just simply must shop for....surely there is a mall in Mobile? Because I might need some new, cute shoes after the drive down. It will be at least 14 hours with the two boys by myself. Yea, I am going to need a couple of pairs of new shoes after this.
Well I just have mixed feeling about this news!!! First, congrats to you both or such a wonderful opportunity- Bill has surely earned it. Of course, don't discount yourself- he couldn't have achieved success in his career without the support of a loving wife and friend! Second- I am going to miss my neighbors!!! It has been so great to be mommies together and I am so sad that we won't get to see the boys as often- and I will miss my friend. We will be here to help you prepare for your next adventure in any way we can...Best wishes!
Mobile isn't all that bad. They have 2 Targets and what looks like decent shopping districts (,AL/Shopping/).
Good luck with the move... try to wait until the end of hurricane season if you can though.
Awww! We have to have a huge "Going Away but Coming Back Home One Day" party for you!
I am so proud of Bill but not surprised at all. He pretty much rocks. You guys will do great in a new area. You make friends so easily you'll fit right in.
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