I was blessed that my good friend Steph, who lives in Texas, (thus the rambling about Texas) was able to come up and see me and my boys. I was also blessed to meet her wonderful daughter and to catch up with her husband, whom I also had not seen since leaving Florida. It was a fantastic visit and I am so glad we were able to catch up!
It has been 8 years since I saw Steph, back when I was just a little 18 year old on the Walt Disney College Program Steph was one of my roomies and we had the greatest time being crazy around Florida! We call back and forth every so often, but I was still so surprised at how quickly we just picked back up our fun!
Well, we both have kids, we are both older, and wiser, and even though 8 years had passed, if felt like we had never left each other's sides. Friendships like that are such gifts.
Chris, Mika, and Stephanie
Steph, Miche, and Little Dude (He insisted on being in the picture; so cute!)
What a blast to see old friends! Love it!
It was great to see you! You have an amazing family! I can't wait to see you again...whenever that will be ;). Thanks again for everything!
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