Last night was ROUGH, to say the least. I think the problem was NOT swaddling JR. He had napped just find throughout the day unswaddled, and because I worry about him over heating with the thick swaddle blanket on, I thought putting him in his sleep sack would be awesome. No. About 4 am I decided to go back to the swaddle (
kiddopotomous brand). That kinda did the trick, but I think by 4 am JR had decided he was up for the day. So, needless to say, I got NO sleep, but somehow feel great right now. I'd have to say it is a combo of coffee and mother magic. That is all I can think of, because by all rights I should be a zombie right now.
JR actually just feel asleep, and since Little Dude is still sleeping, I have been free to roam the house this morning. I had coffee, goofed off on the computer, caught up on some of my favorite blogs, and even messed around with
Twitter a little. Crazy! I know!
Well, now I am off to take a shower, sip more coffee, enjoy the quiet, and make pancakes-hopefully all before Little Dude does get up, but at any case, at least JR is fed, full, happy and ASLEEP! Yay!
Just a side note with our 9 months, we still swaddle her. Even though, she outgrown her swaddling blanket, she just wants her arms tied down for the first few minutes until she falls, I think it's her security blanket :)...Only my daughter!
Aww so sorry you didnt get much sleep! Arent you loving twitter?
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