What Works For Me this week? Junk Yard Dogs. They are THE people to contact when you have extra "junk" in your life! They are locally owned and operated in the Raleigh, NC area.

Not only are they GREAT at taking away your unwanted/unneeded "extra things", they also are eco friendly in their removal! All items that can be recycled ARE RECYCLED and anything that can't be is responsibly taken care of or donated to charities. How wonderful is that? You can clean out your garage, help out the environment AND support local charities! You'll also be surprised to learn you'll be able to use your garage space for so many other things....like, GASP! parking your car!!
Truly, Junk Yard Dogs is a miracle business made up of some of the hardest working guys you will ever met. You can take a look at their website and contact them here
And the best part of using Junk Yard Dogs? They give FREE estimates. That is right. FREE. So, go ahead, give them a try and I promise you won't be disappointed with their hard work, dedication, and service. By the time they are done, you will not even recognize your new space.
Well, that is what Works For Me! Head on over to Rocks in my Dryer for other great tips and services!!
You are AWESOME!!!
ps I love JYD!
We don't live near JYD, but this is a good reminder to sort out extra junk that's only collecting dust. Have a nice week!
Great blog!! I am sure JYD will appreciate this, especially Phil.
We dont have one near us:(
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