Well, I know it is not the 4th of July yet, but my little home town celebrates the 4th of July today, so I am super excited! We have the NC symphony, (Raleigh gets them on the 4th, thus we do the 3rd)tons of activities, FOOD, fantastic fireworks, and awesome neighbors that keep the fireworks going even after the town ones are over.
We will be going out with some of our close friends and neighbors and their children to enjoy the festivities. Since everything starts pretty early, and to get a good viewing spot for the fire works you have to get there even earlier, I will be wearing JR most of the afternoon and night. Thank goodness for slings, normal baby carriers don't fit me because I am so small and short, so without a sling I'd be carrying JR all day...no good.
Today, though, will be a big one for me: it will be my first time breastfeeding JR in public. In fact, I am pretty sure I never breastfed Little Dude in public. I was just too shy, so I always ran away to hide somewhere. Or made him formula, which would then cause me to not enjoy myself as much because my chest would hurt from being full. But I digress.
Today is my big day trying out the new ring sling I got and seeing if all the practicing I have done at home will make me successfully not flash anyone. I am also, for the sake of my sanity, taking some formula just in case I get too frustrated and upset to keep trying to discreetly feed in public. Stay tuned to see how public breastfeeding goes.
And for more fun in baby wearing, go check out Adventures in Babywearing!
Good luck!
I am going to buy a nursing cover at lunch. I can't even get E in the sling by myself still, much less try to feed her.
This will be my first time too!
I hope it goes well! The easiest way for me to nurse in the sling is not the usual cradle hold, but with them more sitting up. But, of course do what is most comfy for you both!
You'll do great!
I hope you have fun tonight and have a great weekend!
Youll do fine! Good Luck!
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