Every time I leave his sight, he screams and cries and acts like the house is falling down. He follows me everywhere saying "Ma, ma, ma, MA!" Throw in some "strangers", ie neighbors and family we haven't seen in awhile, and JR is one big bundle of tears, nerves, screams and clingy-ness.
I can understand how the bigger house (vs. our apartment in AL) and family JR hasn't seen since Christmas (even Grandma, who he just saw in May) can cause some anxiety for his little world.
But for my world, it is a little annoying. And I feel really guilty admitting that to everyone, but I really do feel like I am going to go crazy. It is pretty impossible to work because JR screams to be held. Nap time? Yea, he has been screaming and fighting a nap for the past 1/2 hour now-which has been the pattern so far since coming home-and SO FAR, about the time I finally get JR to fall asleep, Little Dude gets up, making me want to tear my hair out because I have SO MUCH work to catch up on.
So, now I am off to earn some money and hopefully get a lot done.
I have no idea how you do it! I would be absolutely nuts by this point.
Are you guys going to be at the game Saturday? Dave has an extra ticket for John to go, and I may follow along so I can tail gate wity you all........
Hang in there! You will figure it out :)...Your lil man will calm down soon enough :D...
Poor guy. It's a lot for a little one to handle. I'm sure he'll settle in soon and mommy can finally get a break.
Thanks for the offer of a ticket! I'd love to go. Of course we'll pay you for it. I think we may carpool down with Big Dave, so I don't know if we'll need a parking pass. Im so excited to see you and the boys!
Hi Miche! I also find it exhausting when my kids have gone through those stages. Always happens during times of transition in my house - they cling to their mama because I am the stable one for them amidst the chaos. Hang in there, it should pass soon! :)
You're doing such a great job..I know he's got to be so challenging right now. On top of him being stuck on you, you gotta feel bad he's in such a state of tragedy!! Praying it passes quickly and we have our little happy JR back soon!
I'm sorry!!! I hope he gets better soon...it will probably just take a little time. And we all have those times we are annoyed by our kids....:)
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