As part of the fun, I thought I would share with you all one of my favorite things to do while babywearing.
Yes, you read correctly. I like to exercise while wearing JR. I got the Lullaby Exercises from Chicks-N-Chickens, a wonderful mom run company that promotes items to make life easier for us moms and dads. Part of making life easier? Finding alone time while a colicky baby screams.
That is where Lullaby Exercises steps in. It is a great workout, which you can customize yourself to push a little harder and stretch further, or you can make it easy and simple-all depending on what you and your doctor agree you can do. The best part? You can do it all while holding your baby, or wearing your baby in a sling/carrier. The Lullaby Exercises is set to beautiful music that is sure to calm your baby and probably even get them to sleep as your body movements gently rock them to sleep.
I found it GREAT to use with JR over the past few days, since I am parenting alone right now. Bill is still in AL, so since we came back from AL, I have been flying solo with the kids, which means I get VERY little "me" time. And even when I do-and it might only be a few moments to get some work done- I feel guilty. Sound familiar? And on top of it it has rained the last few days, giving me some hyper active boys.
The solution? Lullaby Exercises.
My oldest son did the exercises/danced around with his Thomas Train while I did the exercises with JR in my ring sling. Super fun, JR feel asleep pretty quick, and Little Dude got some energy out while I got a great workout.
Oh thank goodness for babywearing!
If you would like to get your own Lullaby Exercises (and I think it would be a GREAT baby shower gift for a mom-to-be or new mom)check out Chicks-N-Chickens at, follow them on Facebook: chicks-n-chickens or on twitter: @chicksnchickens or you can also find Lullaby Exercises at your local Barnes & Noble.
**Note I did receive Lullaby Exercises for the purpose of reviewing from Chicks-N-Chickens and fell in love with their company. ***
Hey Miche...Do we owe you and Bill money for football tickets, or do we owe Joe? Apparently there is some confusion...
Wow, wish I had known about this when my boys were still in the sling!
how cool! I need to look into getting that...
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