Well, this is my first Blog Party, and I have a great giveaway for you guys here!
Since the 5 Minutes for Mom Ultimate Blog Party is about getting to know one another, I'll tell you a little about myself:
*I like to be organized, but since having two boys that has kinda flown out the window.
*I work from home for the most awesome real estate marketing company, Dakno Marketing. I LOVE working there and am so thankful to work from home.
*I currently live in Mobile, AL for my husband's job, but our real home is in Raleigh, NC.
*I have moved shortly after the birth of both our sons. I have joked to my hubby that having a baby is a sure way to get him transferred somewhere.
*I went to NC STATE UNIVERSITY and am a die hard Wolfpack fan. We go to all the football games and try to see a few basketball games when we can get tickets.
*I majored in English lit and dream of teaching medieval literature at the college level someday.
*My hubby and I met at a party at school. We connected because we both had 3 jobs to get through school and a huge love for ketchup.
*We have been married 5 years this May and I am amazed at how quickly time flew-married life has been so fun!
*I am really short. Like crazy short, esp when I stand next to my hubby barefoot.
*I loved being pregnant and want to have a third baby for sure.
*I love wearing my babies, and just got my first mei tai carrier-yes, it is love! And I got it crazy cheap at a consignment sale.
*I am an Ebay, Craigs List, Consignment Sale junkie. I will hunt for an item I want til I find it at a bargain. I rarely pay full price for anything.
*I've blogged on and off since 2006, but really jumped into it this past year. I LOVE all the great friends I have made.
You can find out more about me here!
*One crazy, random fact: I have been sky diving and loved it. I'd love to go again, actually.
Thanks for stopping by, introduce yourself and tell me one crazy, random fact about you! I am excited to get to know all of you and read about you on your blogs! You can also check out all the great ULTIMATE Blog Party fun going on at 5 Minutes for Mom!
Prizes I would *die* to win: The Kitchen Aid Stand Mixer, The Ergo Carrier, the kid's crayone apron, the kid's apron, and any of the Target gift cards. Whoo hoo!
Nice to "meet" you! It's great to get to know a little bit about you, although I have to say, I can't believe you love being preggo! Ug! I just had my third, and while it is well worth it, I DO NOT like being pregnant! :)
Thanks for visiting my blog..it's so fun getting to know new people!
I need a glass of whine. Your party is way cooler than mine ;)
ramdom fact... i always wear my beech yoga sandals.. lol i don't know.. can't think of anything else lol
hope you're enjoying the party! :)
I love the picture of you two! I can't wait till all you guys get home! I'm gonna love and squeeze on my Popple (who'll object, no doubt) and then I'm gonna smother my Jr. with lovies, too!
Have a great weeked, friend.
I am a NC gal as well, but we live in the mountains. We are also big Tarheel fans but love State better than Duke hehe ;).
So glad to "meet" you and stop on by our home to enter prizes and enjoy some banana pudding.
Hello there! I love being PG too and a crazy fact about me is we are trying for a 4th. Yup, we're nuts.
Happy partying!
Party Party!
Thanks for stopping by! I love your blog. I will be back for sure to visit!
Have a great weekend and happy blog hopping!
The more I read your blog the more I love it! I'm also a Carolina girl. My dad went to NCSU and I've been to many a Wolfpack game. When I was a little girl I wanted to be Ms Wuf "when I grew up." Thanks for blogging...it's a great read!
Hey! Fantatic blog. We have a lot in common...I live in Montevallo, have a boy child, am short and LOOOVE consignment sales! Good to meet you. Happy UBP!
Sky diving?! You are a brave soul! Thanks for introducing yourself on my blog and hope you have lots of fun partying!
Wow... love your blog!! Just part hopping and thought I'd stop by!! If you get the chance, stop by my blog party and check out the giveaway!!
hi! I hope you are having fun at the party! Come check out my blog, when you get a minute.
Hi! So nice to meet you! I am participating in UBP 09 too so stop in and visit. Party on!
So nice to meet you! Thanks for stopping by! Blog hopping is so much fun! Have a great week!
Yes, this party thing is lots of fun. I am so happy to meet you! I have two boys too (although much older). I have never been skydiving though, so you are brave, girl!
My first UBP, too -- and we live in Raleigh (although I'm a Tar Heel first, I do like the Pack). I also enjoyed being preggers (made me feel powerful), but am done with that for a whole host of reasons. Come over and visit at juniandpip.blogspot.com.
Howdy... jumping on over for the Blog Party!!!! Finally someone else who loves being pregnant. I absolutely loved every bit of it... minus the puking. I have three little ones and one day hope to have a fourth. Great meeting you. Hope you are enjoying the party as much as I am!
This is a blast! Come on over to my blog party! http://finamoon.blogspot.com/2009/03/5-minutes-for-mom-ultimate-blog-party.html
Thanks for stopping by my blog - hope you enjoy the rest of the party!
It's so nice to "meet" you. I'm a friend of Patty and Ed. Patty has told me all about how wonderful you are and how awesome your family is. I know she'll have a great time there with you in Alabama even though we'll miss both of them while they are away. I have sent the link to your blog to our DD who is here in Wilmingotn. She and her husband are both NCSU grads (as are our other two (DD and DSIL) in Raleigh). She homeschools her two daughters and does a little blogging herself. I'm sure she will enjoy yours. I did!
I have one (blog) myself although I don't post much!
Hello! Poppin’ in from The Ultimate Blog Party…all the way from Queensland, Australia! G’Day! I hope you have time to visit my party soon.
I want to invite you to the Mommie Daze Virtual Baby Shower that I am hosting May 15 to June 8. This is an international even and there are prizes! Stop by my blog for all the details.
Thanks for stopping by my blog! The party has been fun, huh?! I enjoyed reading all the facts about you!
Thanks for visiting my blog. I hope you'll come again soon.
Stopping by from the UBP. I really enjoyed reading your summary of yourself. =D
I find it cute that your husband and you bonded via ketchup. ;)
Twitter: AboutParenting
Did you check out my skydiving pictures at the top of my blog???
I loved it as well.
Nice to meet you...stopping in. Cheers!
You sound like my kind of friend! I love doing crazy things too and want to sky dive one day soon! Nice meeting you.
Hi there! Just stopping by on the UBP! I love your blog!
I can't think of anything crazy about me that isn't known. LOL
I guess something unusual is that I have a tattoo on my left foot of a Cerebal Palsy awareness ribbon. It's on my left foot because my daughter has Left Side Hemiparesis. Not crazy, just different. :-)
Nice to "meet" you. Happy UBP!
I'm here looking for the prize choices but I don't see any.
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