On the potty training front we are doing FANTASTIC, with only a few accidents so far that are oddly enough only at home.
On the nursing front, I am beginning to debate if I should stop nursing JR at a year or try to go longer. I'm leaning towards wanting to nurse longer; however, right now I think that feeling comes more from me not being ready for him to grow out of babyhood, than from him really needing to nurse. He is nine months now, so I have a few more months before I need to start deciding what we are going to do.
Overall, everything has been really busy around here, and I can't believe it is only Tuesday....
My mom and I used to take the kids place and you're right, it is so nice to have that extra help!
Thank you for your sweet comments. I have never regretted it and it gave alot of flexibility to our family sometimes. He has a 4.0 in college so it's not like he didn't learn anything from it.
That's awesome Patti's coming! You're going to have a great time. Miss you!
I know how you feel. Mika still takes a bottle. She only takes one in the morning b/c mommy is not awake yet to fix her breakfast...I know her pediatrician will lecture me about this, but she does everything else...she takes a sippy cup and we brush her teeth. Maybe part of me is not ready to let go...I can't believe she is growing up so fast. If you want to bf longer, it's not going to hurt...If I could have bf longer, I would have. I never produced enough milk...and I did everything I was told to do...but Mika is 18 months and healthy as can be :)...
How fun your MIL is coming!! My mom is coming tomorrow and we are doing the same thing -- hitting up the children's museum.
and yeah for potty training!!! what a huge milestone. I am soooo looking forward to when Sweet Pea is ready for that.
And as for nursing, there are so many medical and emotional benefits for both mother and baby to nurse as long as possible. I stopped at 14 months and now regret it. This next one I hope hoping to do much longer. But on the other hand it needs to be a mutual thing. If you don't want to do it then it would be best to stop because you don't want to start resenting it. I just hate to hear mom's say they think they must stop at one. Breastmilk is better than formula or cow's milk so I say the longer the better! :) ok...thats my rant. lol
And Stephanie, don't let anyone make you think anything you are doing in wrong. So what if she still takes a bottle? It's not hurting her or you. And she won't use one forever. :)
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