Our playgroup went to the Air and Space Museum over in Pensacola, Florida. Little Dude loved it and got so excitied to see all the planes; it was an hour drive away, but well worth it. We will have to go again when Bill can come too!
I wore JR the whole day in my sling, and was SO GLAD I didn't have a stroller with me. Little Dude was so excited to run all over to all the levels, and it was so much easier and comfortable to keep up with him by having JR tied to me! I think I converted a few moms from their strollers after I let them try my sling; they all loved how padded and comfortable it was! Whooo hoo for babywearing!
While there, we met a lot of vetrans, and I couldn't help taking a picture of these soldiers as they stood before our flag. Quite beautiful, don't you think?
I wish I could have run into them and told them how thankful I am to have them protect us and serve in our military. I also wish I could have gotten another angle on this shot, but they walked away before I could.
That sounds like so much fun!!
What kind of sling do you have? I have a Peanut Shell and it isn't all that comfortable to wear for longer periods of time. I also have a Moby Wrap that is more comfortable, but it takes a long time to put on. I'm totally open to new ideas!
I love that place!!!!!!!! how fun! we took Sweet Pea last year when we were in town. We have friends that have a lakehouse on Perdito Bay and so we visit every year. Of course this year I will be hugely preggers so everyone in my family will go but me. ahhh!!!
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