Whenever I have work to do for Dakno, I prioritize what I can get done quickly, and try to save big, on going tasks for weekends, or nights when my husband can take the kids for a few hours. Otherwise, I work when the kids nap.
For my blog, I have been doing posts during some of my nighttime feedings for JR, and I have been trying to write a few posts ahead of time (like this one I actually wrote on Monday) but then schdule them to post later in the week, when I know I will be too busy to spend time wrting for my blog.
With the kids, even though I like organization, when it comes to them, everything is pretty go with the flow. I do my best to not stress if we can't make a playdate on time, or miss library time, as long as I can get them out to play outside at least once a day, I am happy. Being flexible with their needs, (and putting those needs first) makes it easy to schudule everything else around them.
If I know we will be going to a playdate at 10, and that is working out with feedings, etc, then I know I can plan to get the kids lunch and naps by 12, and then start working by 12:30 or 1. Or, if we miss playdate because of a JR feeding, then I will take the kids for a walk, and then do my best to have them naping by 1, and start work around 1:30.
What if JR won't nap when Little Dude does? I make sure he is comfortable, fed, has a new diaper and toys to look at, or a swing to play with, and I put him down to entertain himself while I work. In the cases where he is unwilling to be put down, I wear him in a sling and let him watch me work. Usually after a little bit of wearing, he will fall asleep for me.
When do I clean the house and grocery shop? I do all cleaning in the afternoon while dinner is in the over. I geneally try to cook things that I can be unplugged from-like deep dish caseroles, or other such oven items. That way I can walk around tidding up the house before Bill gets home (and because really doing it before hand never works, the kids just pull everything out again anyway). All errands I run first thing in the moring, as early as possible so as to not have to mess with afternoon lines and so that I have the rest of the day to devote to kid outtings.
And above all? I have an awesome, amazing husband that loves jumping in to take care of the kids and give me breaks from them, which gives me the chance to really play with my blog, or if I need too, work. Thanks, Sweetheart!
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