Well, I have gone down the route of making everything for Little Dude from scratch-baby food, snacks, chopping, pureeing, smashing, and cooking-all the while making sure my child was getting good nutrition.
I'm slightly embarrassed to say I am not doing all the "from scratch" type cooking now that I have two kids. Simply getting everyone ready for a trip to the park can become an extreme sport, getting the toddler to keep his shoes on, dodging the baby spit so there is not yet another shirt change...it all takes tons of time all day, which is crazy fun, but also doesn't leave much time for cooking "from scratch". So, I have a few secrets up my sleeves now.
First off, I subscribe to Kraft Food and Family magazine-it is FREE! And full of great, QUICK meals loaded with nutrition and "sorta" homemade with lots of pre-made shortcuts. Perfect for me or anyone with a busy schedule!
Second, I use quick and easy snacks for my son that still offer great nutrition but don't take all my time to fix (then I have the time to play with JR!) One of my favorite go to items for snack time is Yoplait Kids Cup Yogurt-they come in great flavors Little Dude loves, but packed with extra vitamins and minerals to help little kids grow! They are also a GREAT source of calcium and vitamin D, which is fantastic when you kid doesn't like to drink milk very often!
Third, I cook with my crock pot all the time. I throw stuff in it in the morning, while Little Dude eats breakfast or right after I nurse JR, and then it is done by dinner, no more thoughts needed for it. My favorite recipe I got from our friends Mike and Beth:
In a Crockpot put
Thawed Chicken- 1 lb (preferably de-boned, but as long as it is thawed it is fine-also, this amount feeds Bill, Little Dude, and me with some left over)
1 16 oz can of salsa-whatever kind you prefer, I like Medium Pace
1 can of corn
Add salt and pepper to taste
Let cook (with lid on)on high for about 4 hours, or until the chicken is done. Then simply keep on warm until ready to eat.
I serve with shredded cheese, sour cream and guacamole all placed on a bed of rice. The rice I make according to package directions, usually 2 cups water to 1 cup rice, bring water to boil then add rice and turn to simmer with lid on for about 30 min. you could also mix it up by chopping up the chicken before or after cooking, and put all the items in a tortilla roll. It is super yummy, full of nutrients and no worries at all with cooking. You can also make it super healthy by getting rid of the chicken skin,fat, using lowfat sour cream and cheese and using whole grain rice or wheat tortillas.
Last, I also really enjoy anything that is quick in the oven. For fun "date time" with my husband after the kids on in bed, I LOVE to cook Pillsbury Savorings Flaky Pastry Bites. They come in different flavors, my favorite being Cheese and Spinach, and they are a great combo with a nice glass of wine-perfect for my husband and I to have some quiet and fun down time without the cost of going out!
So, those are my quick food ideas and secrets that I use. I hope the suggestions help you out with ideas! Also, if you would like to get some coupons to try one package of Pillsbury Savorings along with a "Savoring the Moment" giftbag or One package of Yoplait Kid's Yogurt along with a fun cooler tote (every mom needs a good one!), then leave a comment on my Miche Reviews page with your contact info or email me with your mailing address at coordinatedchaos@yahoo.com and say which one you would like to try the most; 3 winners for each item at random. Also, make sure you stop by Rocks In My Dryer for more fantastic Works For Me Wednesday Tips!
Hello! Saw you above me on WFMW...I have to say I LOVE Kraft food and family! I think I've made at least half of the current magazine. Thanks for the super easy recipe.
Super easy recipes are my middle name!
kvicker at hotmail dot com
The crockpot is a must-have for any busy mom. Thanks for sharing!
I also subscribe to Kraft Food and Family Magazine. They have some great recipes that are quick and easy to make.
Thanks and Happy Halloween.
wow sounds good to me and i use to get the book but since i moved i have to get it again i realy loved there stuff
I prefer to use my crockpot when the weather is hot. That way it keeps the house cooler.
thanks for the recipe
Who doesn't like easy recipes!
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