Now, I have the joy of watching my son fall in love with Sesame Street, and it is amazing the nostalgic and joyful rush of memories I get as we sit and watch all my old pals teach my son great lessons, brought to him by the letter Q and the number 3! My Little Dude is so in love with Sesame Street, he can even point out characters as he sees them in stores or in magazines. "Elmo!" "Zoey!""Burt" "E-ne!" (Ernie) I am just loving it.
Obviously, I was SO EXCITED, when I found out K'NEX (another childhood favorite of mine) was teaming up with Sesame Street to create special Sesame Stree K'NEX toys for toddlers!!! And when I was asked to review them....let me just tell you it was a dream come true!
Learn about how FABULOUS these toys are by READING THE REST OF MY REVIEW.
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