Working from home has many upsides-the biggest? I get to stay home with my little guys. Instead of spending money on daycare, or missing out on their days, I get to spend every moment with them, and work in my free time to earn money.
Another amazing part of working from home? In times when everyone is sick (like we all were for the last two weeks) I can still work a little, and get maximum rest and snuggle time on the couch. I can take time off whenever I need. Like yesterday was crazy (found out my cold has turned into a sinus infection, so now I'm on MORE meds) so I didn't work. I didn't even turn on the computer.
Though that does mean today I probably have a million emails and I have work that MUST get done by this afternoon. But that is OK, and working a lot today is worth it, because I got to deal with my toddler's never ending tantrums and my doctor visit without any worries about work.
Working from home is also great economically because I don't use gas to get to and from work. Since I am a contract worker (meaning I sorta run my own business though my only "client" is Dakno)I can make my printer ink, paper, pens, and office supplies I used daily as part of my business expenses for tax purposes. Nice. I also don't have to worry about business suits or dressing up, unless I really just want to for me. Sometimes I do put on a cute outfit and go work in my office. Other times, I set up the laptop where the kids are playing and work in whatever I feel like wearing. Super nice.
I can also tailor the amount of work I do to whatever activities the kids are wanting to do. A rainy day? I might work a lot and let the kids play with their trains. A nice day? I can put off work until night time and spend the day at the park or even just in the yard.
Working from home also enables me to keep up the house, take care of everything here, and cook dinner, so that when my sweet husband gets home from work, we can all just spend time together and relax.
One of my favorite things though, about working from home, is that it gives me another hat to wear. Instead of "just" being mom and wife, I also get adult interaction and something separate from the family that is just for me. When my husband talks about his work, I can also share antidotes about my work. And in a way that many moms can relate to-having my job gives me a place to "escape" housework and kids, and lets me come back to said housework and kids refreshed.
Though working at home, being at home with the kids, managing the house and supporting my husband in every way I can does tend to give a bit of chaos to our days, there is nothing in the world I would change. For me, working from home is the perfect solution to keeping our crazy world organized.
YOUR TURN: What do YOU like about working from home/staying at home? If you work outside of the home, what do you like about that?
Meet Some More Work From Home Mamas I enjoy reading:
Metropolitan Mama
Casual Friday Everyday
To Think Is to Create
I Should Be Folding Laundry
Adventures In Babywearing
Rocks In My Dryer
I used to work from home with my previous job. So, I do know all the ups and downs. Ups including all those you mentioned plus warm home-cooked meal every time plus working in PJs plus tax rebate. All good. But I still missed working out-of-hone, in a office, because I missed going out, seeing and meeting other people, having conversations, the office environment. I now work in a office, and frankly I like it better.
I wish I had the option to one day work from home! Unfortunately, I'm pretty sure its a good idea to leave my viruses at the office...I am unbelievably jealous of you, though :)
Hi Miche!
Working from home is wonderful, isn't it? It can be crazy and chaotic, but it is oh-so-worth it. :)
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