Emily is only 2 months older than my JR, so, in a way, I'll find out what it is like to have twin toddlers. Emily is talking more than JR, so that is nice, and hopefully soon they will both have enough vocabulary that tantrums can be worked out or avoided quickly. And even though I did work at a daycare and take care of three little guys that were all the same age; somehow knowing that I still need to get things done around the house-and get grocery trips done, or get everyone loaded up to go to the park-has me running plays in my head on how to best organize everything, so when the big day comes, and I take ALL THREE out with me, I will be relaxed.
I do think though, that I might sign up to use the Lowe's Foods online grocery shopping and I will definitely be utilizing the bag boys to help me carry groceries to the car. Do you tip them for that?
Does anyone have advice for how to best get out and about with three kids three and under? Our area parks are great, with a lot of open space between play areas, so there will be no risk of one getting way from the play without me noticing.
It is going to be so fun to have a little girl to play with-and I think it will be good for the boys to have to share with a guest on a daily basis. I think also, for the first few weeks Emily comes to play with us, at least, that all three will be pretty entertained with each other and rediscovering the toys.
Now if only it would quick raining and storming so I can make sure all three of them get to run wild in our backyard. Can you imagine three of them cooped up in the house
for a few days? The horror.I think I'll be looking into that family membership for Marbles, too.
I can tell you what having three under the age of this is like in about 10 weeks hopefully sooner. I am really not quite sure how this is going to work out either. I also play things out in my mind however, I know things do not go the way they do in my head. Play dates will be fun as well. Sada will have a little girl to play with. You have your double stroller so you can put the 2 younger ones in the stroller and Little dude is pretty good he can walk and not run away not like mine. I am going to invest in one of the backpacks that I always said I would not buy to keep my child close to me without running off.
I have to do what I have to do.
I think that's a wonderful idea. It'll be wonderful to have a little girl around. You are so wonderful with kids, too!
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