He has been inviting everyone we run into to his party, random strangers included.
Since the week before his birthday we will be making the drive from Mobile, AL up to Raleigh, NC, I decided it might be a good idea to already have decorations bought, and invitations mailed out so I can just focus on getting the house aired out and ready. Can we say EXCITED? Little Dude just about lost his mind walking around Party City to pick out decorations.
The result of letting an about-to-be-three year old pick out his own stuff? You get a fun mix of Thomas the Train and Curious George. Most of the items he LOVED ended up being Thomas themed, but he did request Curious George wrapping paper and a CD of "Curious George Songs". The cd is actually most of the Jack Johnson songs (and others) from the movie, which is pretty cool since it was only $7 and will be good background music to play while the kids play and the parents hang out.
I'm hoping for great weather so we can have the sandbox and a kiddie pool set up, while grilling out, but if not, then inside will be fun as well. And we can always go grab pizza if we can't cook outside.
Little Dude is SO EXCITED, and it is making me excited, even though I'm also a little bit sad. He is just getting so big, and I wish I could just slow time down. But then, I also can't wait to see his face when he sees the Thomas Cake we are going to make. It actually won't be anything too fancy, since I'm not that great of a cake decorator; however, Bill and I did find some great wooden Thomas trains we are going to decorate the top with, one is even a construction train! I really can't wait for that!
Just a couple of weeks, oh goodness!
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