Little Dude and JR greeted Bill at the door with some balloons. There was also a huge transformers balloon that Little Dude picked out just for Bill.

For any really great home party, you should begin with the home-made card. Making it as big as possible is awesome. The kids had a blast making it; we had meltdowns when it was time to stop the painting, cutting, and coloring.
Little Dude is so excited about the cake and helped me put the candles in. I must say our singing of "happy birthday" was almost Grammy worthy. Bill got his favorite meal, too: steak and salad! Yum!
Since Bill's big surprise was still in Raleigh, awaiting our return home, I also got him a book that I knew he would love. It is about business, leadership, and learning. The guy at Books A Million recommended it after I described Bill, since I stink at finding good books like that. I'm all about fiction or history, anything else doesn't really capture my attention.
You can't tell much in the picture, but Little Dude helped me wrap the book, and there is an awesome-ly huge pile of tape on the top of the present. Little Dude insisted it was a good idea to decorate with tape. His earnest approach made it hard to protest wasting that much tape, so I just let him go at it. We are now out of tape.

And his big surprise?

A Blu-ray player!!
I bought at a great price back in May. It was originally a returned, open box deal for half price, but when I expressed to the guy at Best Buy that I was thinking of getting it for my husband's birthday in Aug,(and therefore wouldn't be able to make sure it worked before then) and was nervous to buy a returned, opened item, (even at that great deal)he seemed to sense he was losing me, so he quickly switched and said he could sell me an un-opened blu-ray player at the open box price. So I jumped on it, and dutifully hid it under the living room couches back home.
The best part? It plays regular dvds and blu-ray, and it has netflix and some other video streaming capability, as well as wireless set up. And it does a bunch of other stuff that my hubby is all excited about. He has to wait a few weeks before he can play with setting it up, but that will only add to the excitement. Now we just have to figure out if the blu-ray dvds will play on our tv or projector. If they don't, then I think I know what I'll be saving up to get him for his next birthday!
I LOVE that first photo!!! You are so fun.
I love it. And I love how excited Little Dude was to help out. Especially with the tape decorations! Glad to hear Bill had such a fantastic birthday :)
how fun!!! and what a great secret keeper you are...I don't think I would have made it that long! lol
Yay for birthdays!
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