Well, I have been lazy today and haven't gotten the photos from yesterday off the camera yet, so birthday photos will be coming in the next few days!
In the meantime, I got tagged by my friend, Beth, to share 6 Things I Love! Here goes:
1-My dear, sweet
Bill. He is the most amazing man, husband, and father. I really am in awe of him on a daily basis. Not only does he have a really awesome job as a civil engineer, he is
awesome at it and
loves it. There are so many times I'll go by the office or see some of his co-workers out and about and they always talk about what a great boss he is, which makes me so proud of him and for him. He is also the most amazing dad. He gets down and dirty with the boys, knows when to push me out the door so I can chill out without kids for a bit, and he knows how to play the best trash man in the world, much to the delight of our toddler. And the best part? He lets me keep the shopping gift cards to Belk that his company always gives out for Christmas so I can get whatever shoes I've been drooling for. I love and admire him so much. Yea, he is a keeper.
2-I love anything and everything Disney. Since my husband's company has a district office there I keep joking that he needs to get us transfered
there, instead of like,
Mobile, AL. I worked for Disney as part of a college internship and just fell in love with the company. And Splash Mountain.
3-I want a ton of kids. I just love kids and I love being with my kids, even though I do have a few of "those days" where they drive me crazy. For the most part, there is nothing I'd rather do than see how many pieces of chalk it takes to paint our patio in a rainbow. Currently we are on our second box and it is looking pretty goood out there.
4-I love pasta. I could eat a good bowl of spagetti at every meal. I also LOVE to cook pasta in as many ways as possible, so I can get my husband past his strong hate of regular ol' spagetti. So far I seem to be doing well at it; he even requested I make my meatballs again. *gasp!*
5-My job. I have the most perfect job in the world for a mom. I work from home for
Dakno Marketing, and we do web design, optimization, creation, and a whole slew of other great services, like blogging, social networking, ect for real estate professionals. I have learned so much about computers, networking, blogging,and technical writing. I have been blessed to get to stay home with my kids, while making enough money to afford fun outings or classes for the kids and great gifts for my hubby. (And some for me, too!) I am really thinking I'd love to keep working here even after the kids go to school, so I could keep the same great felxible schedule. It is just wonderful to work on my time.
6-Avacados. I LOVE avacodaos, but I SUCK at buying them in the store. I can never tell when they are ripe, or if they are too ripe. If I buy them too early, I always forget about them and they go bad, or if I buy them and think they are perfect, they end up being all brown. Luckily, I have found a fellow mom down here in AL whose husband makes the worlds best guaqamole dip, and sells it for $6.00 for a whole mason jar full. I am going to be sad to leave them here in AL when we finally move back home to NC; then I'll be back to trying to figure out when the avacados are ripe in the store, and that just isn't going to be pretty....
If you would like to read more of my little "things about me", you can take a peek
here! And I swear I will work on getting Bill's party pictures up for all of you that couldn't celebrate with us like we usually do. Take care!