And Me? Oh yea, I'm not feeling so hot either. My throat is killing me, though I don't have the cough.
So, today, we are snuggling on the sofa, reading stories, watching Elmo for the millionth time, and trying to keep everyone comfy while I fight falling asleep. The very overcast, rainy day we are having isn't helping any with my energy level.
But on the upside, at least we aren't missing out on a pretty day.
Alright, I'm off to grab more Kleenex and another pillow.....
HUGS to you all. I wish I could send you a magic pill to cure you all of the sickies!
Aw I'm sorry! I'm dreading the first time both kids get sick, too. Although, right now we're dealing with both of them teething and that's no picnic, either! I hope you guys feel better!
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