So, I set out to, did some messing around with images in, read and brushed up on my html sk-illz, spent a couple of hours I should have devoted to laundry...
and VOILA!
I still need to update my blog button to match my header and THEN mess around with getting my reviews page to match (right about now I am wishing I had a wordpress blog so I could just simply ADD a reviews page and everything would match, instead of having to fix up another blog..sigh)
Anyways, what does everyone think? Does it look OK? Colors look good? Anything I should work on changing? I'm pretty proud of it since it took me a few hours to get it looking this nice; however, I did save all that info just in case my adoring fans (*hugs to the 10 of you! LOL*) can't accept the change.
I could be like that mom with the really ugly kid, but she just doesn't see you guys let me know if my blog is that ugly kid, OK?
And now I really must do the laundry or hubby will kill me...
Miche, it looks FABULOUS! I love it. So clean and crisp. I adore it. Good job.
I've got someone working on a review blog extension to my blog but it'll be the same exact look so it meshes well.
So not too exciting but I'm still excited to get it up as my reviews are piling up on my "desk".
:--) Nell
I love it! It looks really really great. I've been forbidden from changing my blog for a while....mainly because when I try I mess stuff up and then bug John until he makes it work. :)
I love it! It looks "you"!
Thanks for the church tips on my blog! I remember your tip about staying later after church when she acts up, but we haven't been at church since you told me that (due to sickness and plain old tiredness), so I haven't gotten a chance to try it out. I will, though, and I'll let you know how it goes!
I think the new header is perfect for you! Good job:)
I love the new's so you :). I know the feeling about fear of losing ones job. That is the reason why Chris took the job in Fort Wayne, Indiana...since we have moved, they had to let go a few more people...we are blessed to have this job.
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