Friday, February 27, 2009

A New Puppy

It seems I have a new puppy in my life. He is super cute, cuddly, loves water, and gives me puppy kisses. And did I mention he is adorable?


Jenni said...

Both my boys like to be puppies too. They even have puppy names: Theevit and Sparky.
When daddy turns into a dog his name is Spike. :)

Miche said...

Haha! That is so cute, so far our family is named after family dogs-Little Dude is "Stoney", Grandma's little dog, I'm "Scarlet", his aunt's medium dog, and Bill is "Eddie", our very large dog. Ben is just "baby puppy". And if we are dogs, we MUST crawl around with him, otherwise we can't!

Anonymous said...

LOL! That's so cute!

Beth at I Should Be Folding Laundry said...

Oh man, this is really something, my five year old LOVES to be my puppy, too! Crazy boys, huh?

Banteringblonde said...

LOL, very cute! My daughter loves to play puppy too!

Nell said...

This so cracks me up. My son is a turtle lately. I love kids!


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