Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Oh Geeze

Well, we made it here safe and sound. It is so great to be back at our house, see our neighbors and catch up with friends! I am on cloud nine.


You see, my computer isn't wanting to behave. OH GEEZE. The issue isn't really the computer, but more my mouse and keyboard. Since I have an office here in Raleigh with all my things, when we moved to AL, I only took the computer tower, and extra computer parts my brother in law had. THAT way (so I thought) I could travel back and forth with just the tower and not risk breaking screens, losing wires, etc.

My plan would have been perfect if my old tower had not died a few months ago. Thus, I got a new one. Thus, I am just now realizing that:

1-When I had the computer people transfer the data from my old tower to the new, I neglected to realize the wireless card would need to be transfered...thus it wasn't. So yesterday I bought a NEW wireless card, much to my bank account's dismay.

2-Once I got home and tried to set up the said wireless card, I realized my mouse AND my keyboard have different portal connections than the back of my new computer supports. And the kicker is that they are ALL Dell. ARRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!

3-I have TONS of work to do that would be SO NICE to get caught up on before all the family comes; however, that won't be possible unless I now go buy a new keyboard AND a new mouse so I can TRY to install the wireless card and then get online to work.

4-The kicker that is killing me is this: I could just use my brother in law's computer (which I am right now) to get online and work; HOWEVER, a file a REALLY MUST HAVE to complete a project is saved on MY computer and I have no way of getting to it. SO I have to go spend a bunch of money I don't want to spend on items I already own IN ALABAMA.

I knew I hated Alabama. OH Geeze.

And if I ever get myself online again, I have some cute videos to share of the 15 hour car trip back to NC. Now I am off to get ready to go to Best Buy with my kids.


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