You see, my computer isn't wanting to behave. OH GEEZE. The issue isn't really the computer, but more my mouse and keyboard. Since I have an office here in Raleigh with all my things, when we moved to AL, I only took the computer tower, and extra computer parts my brother in law had. THAT way (so I thought) I could travel back and forth with just the tower and not risk breaking screens, losing wires, etc.
My plan would have been perfect if my old tower had not died a few months ago. Thus, I got a new one. Thus, I am just now realizing that:
1-When I had the computer people transfer the data from my old tower to the new, I neglected to realize the wireless card would need to be transfered...thus it wasn't. So yesterday I bought a NEW wireless card, much to my bank account's dismay.
2-Once I got home and tried to set up the said wireless card, I realized my mouse AND my keyboard have different portal connections than the back of my new computer supports. And the kicker is that they are ALL Dell. ARRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!
3-I have TONS of work to do that would be SO NICE to get caught up on before all the family comes; however, that won't be possible unless I now go buy a new keyboard AND a new mouse so I can TRY to install the wireless card and then get online to work.
4-The kicker that is killing me is this: I could just use my brother in law's computer (which I am right now) to get online and work; HOWEVER, a file a REALLY MUST HAVE to complete a project is saved on MY computer and I have no way of getting to it. SO I have to go spend a bunch of money I don't want to spend on items I already own IN ALABAMA.
I knew I hated Alabama. OH Geeze.
And if I ever get myself online again, I have some cute videos to share of the 15 hour car trip back to NC. Now I am off to get ready to go to Best Buy with my kids.
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