I never got to go Trick or Treating as a kid, so now that I get to do it with MY kids, it is SUPER fun! And yes, I dress up. I usually would wear an old prom dress and b a princess, but this year, because of being in Mobile without a costume for a Mom's Night Out event, I decided the investment in a REAL princess costume was worth it. Esp since it was on a 1/2 off sale! Little Dude's dragon/dinosaur costume (Yes, it is a dragon, but he called it a dinosaur)I got on 75%off from Old Navy after Halloween LAST year. And JR's Pumpkin outfit? A gift I got when I was pregnant with Little Dude. Bill usually goes as a football player and wears his NC State Football jacket, but same as me, his usual costume was in NC. SO, he went as my prince charming by just wearing a dressy work outfit.

Little Dude showing off his frog candy basket

Miche, JR and Little Dude getting ready to go trick or treating-yes, Jr is crying and Little Dude suddenly decided to hide his face from the camera: "NO PICTURES!!"-even crazy moments like this are fun to look back on.

Our Little Dude all grown up and marching to another door for candy. I would've thought he'd be a little scared of the decorations in the dark, but once he learned of the
candy he was getting, there was no stopping him!

Knocking on a door for candy.

Bill explaining the candy rules to the boys. They are listening attentively....
And so, later today I am heading out to look for costumes for the boys for next year and then to start on some Christmas shopping. Yes, I know it is early, but I really can't stand shopping after Thanksgiving, so I've got to hurry and finish all my shopping before the crazy crowds of
Black Thursday.....
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