I got all kinds of great gifts for my birthday, and Little Dude has been LOVING to run up and down the hallway holding my balloons. He is just in love with them. I have to say the best present though was getting family pictures taken!! Bill finally caved and agreed to do family pictures and set it all up for my birthday! Yay! We got some great maternity shots too, which I am just so excited about. The photographer, Monika Dechene, was FANTASTIC and even offered to do some newborn photos for free because she doesn't have any newborns in her portfolio! OHHHH I am soooo excited!! (can you tell?) We also got a fantastic deal on the maternity photos because she didn't have any, so we will be her "maternity examples". Cool beans! I almost feel famous now, knowing that, heehee! Here is a little teaser from her blog with a preview photo and some other teasers. I can't wait to see the rest!
Well, my Little Dude is up and ready to eat, so I better get to cooking something!
1 comment:
What a great weekend!
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