These are flowers Bill got me for our 4th anniversary. My wedding bouquet was full of stargazer lilies, and they are my favorite flower ever. Here I am trying out my macro function on my camera to get a "different" picture of the flowers than I normally do. I usually photograph the whole flower or bouquet, and not super close like this. I think it came out OK. The top one is my favorite, as I think it is a totally crazy photo of a flower (this is from the side). I used the flash in attempts to make the background dark-I'm thinking now I need to try it again with a lower appature setting. And maybe try turning out the kitchen light. Hmmm, I might add to the post later in the day to see if it works.
Here is my sweet Little Dude (almost 2) with his buddy Cole (3). Even though you can't see their faces you can just tell they are having the best time exploring the big field at the park. And you can see just how sweet of friends they are walking together.
Thanks for the tips, Kelsey!!
Those are all such great pictures! I found you from the babywearing blogroll!
Oh, your photographs are joyful. Poetry through a lens. The "flowers" of your labor are blooming beautiful... and the Little Dude and Cole photos is priceless. I love back shots... they say it all in just how naturally happy people can be!
Keep the photos coming...
Sharon - Pinks & Blues
Great photos! Thanks for putting up our button, too!
Oh Miche I love them! Your first has great focus and awesome lighting!! My favorite by far is the last thought you can see the love of them together playing it is great!
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