This is at my cousin Erika's wedding. The sling was FANTASTIC for carrying him around and still enjoying the big party!
Isn't he all cute and snuggly? He eventually fell asleep in the sling, so Bill and I were able to dance and have tons of fun without having to sit next to a car seat/portable bed to keep an eye on him-he stayed with us! Also, the sling I had and loved was a "Buddy Sling" that I got off an ebay store when Little Dude was 6 months old called, yes "Buddy Slings". It was really reasonably priced, as far as slings go,at around 40 dollars, though you can try to win it on bidding for cheaper, which is what I did. And it was made to my measurements, so it fits me perfectly with 3 different ways to wear your baby. It's made out of super soft, breathable cotton with enough overlap that I could nurse Little Dude and stay covered and discreet. "Buddy Slings" also makes super cute diaper bags in matching fabric. It has been my very favorite diaper bag, as it has tons of pockets, magnetic open and close (for those times you only have one hand) and a nice clip for your keys and phone so they don't get lost at the bottom of the bag! Also, when the sling and bab gets dirty, I just throw them in the wash!
Now that Little Dude is way to big for his sling, Eddie, our dog, has taken on the role of "babywearing". Yes, Little Dude sits on our dog. Eddie, it seems loves it and will often lay down in from of Little Dude in what looks like attempts to get Little Dude to climb on board. It works every time. Can I just say I have the most awesome dog ever?
Would you like a sling so you too can wear your baby? Over at Elinghouse, you can enter a contest to win a Mod Mum sling. These slings are amazing and beautifully made out of quite stylish fabrics. You can read a review about them here. I am in love with the Taylor pattern, but also really love the Carmen pattern...I am thinking that if I don't win a free one in the contest I will ask Bill if I could have one of them for my birthday. They are kind of pricy, but trust me, with all the wear and tear I put mine through, a well made sling is well worth the price.
Here is another place you can enter to win a baby carrier that your husband can use and still look manly.
Happy Babywearing Blogging!! And don't forget to check out Adventures in Babywearing-a fantastic, smart blog full of parent advice, stories, give-a-ways(yay!), and, of course, babywearing!
1 comment:
Great posts- you both look like you're enjoying this babywearing thing! And thank you for the sweet linkage!
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