I am now 23 weeks and 4 days pregnant. The baby is kicking around like crazy and letting me know he's getting ready to play with Little Dude!
We have to go back to the doctor to check on J.R's(what I'm calling the baby for now) kidneys. When we last went to the doctor, she noticed J.R's kidneys were waaaay to big for his age and size, indicating that 1)he may not have peed (can I say that?) yet for the day or 2) there could be something really wrong with his kidneys that may require surgery or catheter once he is born.
So, we are going back to the doctor this Monday to see if the kidneys still look big. If so then we are going to a specialist at Duke Hospital asap. Our doctor was acting like it was no big deal, and said not to worry, but, of course, I have been worried. At any rate we find out soon-hopefully it will be that my son just has kidneys of steel and can hold his pee a loooooong time!
Here are some updated pics of my Little Dude as well:
We went to visit a friend and stoped by the Starbucks I used to work at (one of them at least) and my old manager was sweet enough to give Little Dude a Honey Cream Frapuccino-let me just say he LOVED it. I couldn't get it away from him! It tasted like honey icecream and had no caffine. A perfect little kid's drink!
Here is my "Cool Dude". Little Dude loves his sunglasses; esp. if I am wearing mine too!
And here is my sweetheart at the park. He has gotten so big!
Looking at your photos made me feel like a kid again... you know, when you wake up in the morning and see something so great that you begin smiling! Thank you for sharing your 23 week, 4 day J.R. "bump". You look beautifully radiant. Please let us know about J.R.'s kidney question... we will be thinking of you...
Sharon - Pinks & Blues
Look at your bump!! Yay!!
And I just want to tell you, from experience, that we had a scare with Noah's kidneys when I was pregnant with him. I had 7 ultrasounds (one every month for a while) and each one made the dr. think he would have possibly only one functioning kidney or none! They planned to do an ultrasound on him as soon as he was born and would do surgery if needed.
Well, when he was born he was PERFECTLY FINE! It's so hard to tell on those ultrasounds. Of course, I do not want to make light of your situation and things could need attention, but I pray that you feel peace and encouragement during this time. Anything is possible! I'll be thinking of you!
Your little man is adorable and you look awesome!
I hope everything goes well at the dr!
I found your blog thru another blog. Your ds is adorable. I did want to comment on your carseat though. It appears to be unsafe. The straps are twisted and too loose and the chest clip should be at armpit level. Also, those neck cushions look like they are aftermarket and shouldn't be used. You could use some old baby socks though if you need something on his neck.
From one mama to another- just wanted to make sure your ds is safe!
Hey! This is Miche, as for my car seat-the straps aren't twisted though they do look like it in the pic, but I was curious about the "loosness" of the straps-how loose should they be? I read the instructions and they said to keep a "two finger" distance between the baby and the straps-is that too loose? I am going to actually go by the fire dept and have them look at it since you mentioned what you thought. Super Thanks!!!!! Also, I did buy the pads separate because he sleeps in the car and his neck goes straight down; however, these keep his head up-is that also bad? I got them at Babies R Us and they were advertised specifically for the purpose of supporting sleepy heads-but again, I am guessing that the fire dept can tell me what is safe or not and what to change. Thanks for the insight!! Have a great weekend!
Awww, I love your baby buddy tummy! So sweet. I am also amazed at how much Popple changes every time I see him. It's awesome.
I hope you all had a good Easter. We went to Mooresville. Thank you for the invite though to spend it with you guys, it means so much!
Praying his kidneys are ok--i've heard tons of stories about ultrasounds saying one thing and then the baby showing up being completely normal! So don't stress too much!
I love your bump---I can't believe I'm only 10 weeks away from that!
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