But at the same time, excited.
You see, this week is my last week caring for Miss Emily. I've had her to play with and be girly with and just sit in amazement together as the boys perform yet another set of super hero feats and show us how they are defeating the bad guys.....
Needless to say, she has been SO FUN.
And Friday is my last day with her. I'm super sad about it.
But then, Monday will be super nice, because I won't have to get up at 6:30 to get ready for her arrival-I could even just stay in my pj's til after breakfast, since the only people seeing me will be the boys.
Or even stay in them all day, if I wanted.
And grocery shopping will be much simpler with two than with three. And if I go while Little Dude is in school, then I'll be shopping with ONE-wow. THAT will actually be super amazing.
And I'm looking forward to spending some great one on one time with JR while Little Dude is in preschool. JR has never had that, so I am super happy I get a good month (or hopefully two) to spend Tues. and Thurs. doing just what JR wants to do, reading the books he wants to read, and making the lunch he wants to eat instead of having to find the balance for three.
It is going to be super awesome.
But gosh, I am really going to miss having a little princess around.
(JR, Little Dude, and Emily this past Halloween at my house)
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