Oh, OB visit and circus don't automatically seem to go together? Oh but they DO, that is, IF you are pregnant, and go to your doctor toting 3 kids between the ages of 4 and 2. That in and of itself is enough to scare all the ladies there getting refills on their birth control.
But the REAL fun, is, if, let us say, the moment you get in the office and go to sign in, one kid starts to LICK the walls like she hasn't eaten in years, another starts rolling on the floor and the other declares very loudly that he has to PEE NOW-also doing the typical potty dance in a very exaggerated form.
Did I mention we had JUST walked in the door? And we had all eaten, peed, and done all that fun stuff RIGHT before the left the house to go to said doctor?
So, that, my friends, is how you scare all the pregnant ladies at the OB office and officially turn your group (I like entourage) into a traveling circus.
I am quite certain I will be the topic of discussion at many dinner tables, and many smug first time mama's-to-be will be declaring that THEIR child will never behave in such ways.
Trust me, I was was there 4 years ago.
And in 4 years, they too will realize, sometimes kids just do what kids do best:
Be sweet, silly, crazy, unpredictable even in predictable moments, able to humble confident parents, fun kids.
Haha! You are so brave michelle!! I was nervous enough about taking my little guy with me today. Luckily he slept through it... :D I know you're about to pop for the next visit! I can't wait for the news! :D
OMGosh... you had me laughing..(with you-not AT.YOU)
I wish I had been there! :-)
Oh don't worry-I laughed so hard about it with my husband later that I couldn't breath. You really had to see the looks on those poor pregnant ladies' faces....priceless! :)
I think you are fantastic and far braver than I am! I don't embarrass easily, but I'm pretty sure I would have died. Are you bringing all 3 next time? I'm sure the office staff loves it!! :)
Next time we will actually only have Ben with us. Emily is going to Disney World with her mom (SO JEALOUS!)and AJ has declared he doesn't want to miss preschool (and the only day the ultrasound tech was open that week was Thrus, and there was no way I was going to wait a week) SO, Ben will be king of the day with just me and Bill. McD's might be in order after we find out if he will have a brother or sister stealing his toys :)
You are hilarious and brave! The last and only time I took a kid to the OB was 7 years ago when I had my 6 week check up. I am so happy for you! You are such a great mommy!
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