In fact, JR just kept getting worse. His diarrhea got worse, his eating went down, and even thought he was active, he just wasn't quite himself.
While we were at the doctor's, the boys were found to have double ear infections, so both are still on meds for that-however; JR is allergic to what is normally given, so he got a different med.
And somehow everyone failed to mention that the new med would cause him diarrhea.
So, on top of having the tummy virus, he also was on meds that would increase his diarrhea. But of course, since I didn't know what, I was freaking out and very concerned.
We were all set to go to the doctor yesterday afternoon, when yesterday morning, I noticed JR was turning blue. He was breathing fine, and walking around and playing like normal-but his lips were a deep, dark blue, and his hands and legs had a blue tent. He was also cool to the touch, whereas the other two kids were warm. (We were running errands when this happened, so I couldn't check his temp)
So, off we rushed to the hospital-and then found out that his oxygen was good, but his core temp was lower than it should have been. After a lot of exams there weren't many answers, but the culprit seems to be that he was dehydrated.
Que the mommy guilt.
Even though we did have him drinking electrolytes, it wasn't enough to make up for what he had lost -and at this point I found out he was over his virus, but now everything was caused by the medication he was on.
So, another new medication, some pro biotics medication to replace the good bacteria in his tummy that the other medicine had killed (and which is why he was having diarrhea) and a ton of electrolyte drink. I have seriously been forcing the drinks on him; I have no desire to see him turn blue again.
And that concludes my day yesterday.
Oh, and earlier in the day I found out I need reading glasses, which will be coming in a week in a half! That I am actually excited about, because working has been giving me huge headaches and it turns out my eyes were just working too hard looking at the computer screen. Now I just have to come up with an idea on how to keep up with them, since I will only need them for reading....
No mommy guilt allowed!!!!! I am glad he is getting better :)
Mommy guilt is horrible...
I can't believe you went through all of that yesterday! Next time let me know, I can come help you out, even if it's for moral support!
Oh my dear! I'm so sorry, that had to be scary! Children's bodies do such weird things when they're sick. I'm glad he's getting better. Yay for good bacteria and electrolytes! I'm guessing he's still in a diaper, so you can't check to see if his pee is clear, huh?
I actually ended up having Emily's dad watch AJ and Emily while I took Ben to the hospital, so it wasn't as hard as it could have been-I was having a panic attack the whole way there though!
Caitlin-actually, I use cloth diapers, so I can tell, what would the color have told me? Though he was having such bad diarrhea that it would have been hard to get just a wet diaper-he was pooping just about every half hour-NOT cool with cloth diapers. Thank God that is all done with. Now that we are on the probiotics he has had only one poop today-and that a nice normal one. Someone needs to go back in time and tell my angry 16 year old self that someday my kid's normal poops will make me really happy. hahahahaha :)
Awww poor guy...and poor you :)...I think we all know how you feel...Hang in there! I hope he feels better soon.
We have sick for two months straight. It is the worst!
That is really scary. I hate you had to go through that. I am glad that nothing was seriously wrong with him. Did you take him to Rex or Wake Med in Raleigh. I have been told that if I have any more problems with the kids I should go to Wake Med Raleigh they have an excellent Ped. doctors there.
Urine color gives you a rough idea of hydration levels. In simple terms, when your old blood cells are broken down, they make a substrate called bilirubin. Bilirubin is usually broken down by the gall bladder, but some stays in the blood and is picked up by the kidneys. In the kidneys it is broken down into urobilins and excreted in urine. Urobilin is what gives urine it's yellow color. How yellow your urine is depends on how much water you are releasing when you urinate. The more hydrated you are, the more water you pee out, and the more dilute the urobilin is, making pee pale yellow or clear. If you are dehydrated, your urine is usually a very deep yellow, meaning you need more fluids :)
Long post. Sorry. I'm a science nerd.
Mommy's are born with 'mommy guilt' aren't they? UGH! Daddy's don't have that gene.
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