We went to a train museum and Little Dude loved it enough to throw the Tantrum of All Tantrums when we had to leave, we went to the aquarium, which also had birds, monkeys, and all kinds of animals. It was HUGE and a lot of it was underground. I can't wait to share the pictures! Today we are going to go RIDE a train to Dallas and go explore downtown-I'm really excited!
Well, off we go, and wish me luck tomorrow flying back. I haven't told you guys about flying IN; however, just trust me that it was the flight from H E double hockey sticks. I'll explain more later, now it is off to catch a train!
Take care!
I am glad you are having a great time...can't wait to see pictures. Have a safe trip to NC :)...
Been missing ya! Safe trip back...k?!
Give us a call when you get to NC. So we can have a play date.
Miss ya
aww! how fun! we live in dallas!!! next time you are near we should meet yall at a museum or something. how fun it would be to meet bloggy friends. :)
travel safely - happy mother's day!
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