He has started standing, taking steps, and gosh has he got a little personality going already! He loves a good meal- in fact, he loves any meal; has a constant smile (except when SCREAMING) and he knows just what kind of shy face to make in order to melt hearts.
My baby is approaching toddlerhood.
I can't believe he is starting to walk...he's getting so big!
And getting cuter by the minute (if that was possible). He is adorable and definitely will win anyone's heart with those looks.
10 months!? The next time we see you he will be a little boy instead of a baby! I might not even recognize him if not for keeping up with your blog :)
Oh and thanks again for letting me borrow your cake spinner- it worked perfectly and really helped me out!
Oh gosh- already!!
Awwww - so sweet.
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