Friday, February 27, 2009
A New Puppy
It seems I have a new puppy in my life. He is super cute, cuddly, loves water, and gives me puppy kisses. And did I mention he is adorable?
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Dear God
Help me to be a better mother. Help me to focus my time and energy on my boys, and enjoy every little minute I get to spend with them. Help me to read that extra bedtime story, and make them stand in the corner when they have been bad, build forts and watch Sesame Street.
And Lord?
Help me to not loose my temper when Little Dude decides to TAKE OFF HIS DIAPER AND POOP ON THE FLOOR AND SMEAR IT AROUND INTO THE CARPET.
And Lord?
Help me to not loose my temper when Little Dude decides to TAKE OFF HIS DIAPER AND POOP ON THE FLOOR AND SMEAR IT AROUND INTO THE CARPET.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Happy Lent

Today is the start of Lent, and this year I am going to do something different: I am planning on reading part of the bible every night. For valentine's I got my husband and I a Marriage Bible, that has notes and reflections on the passages as they relate to your marriage. I also got us a good Catholic family bible and a book of Parables to go over together.
I haven't been a Christian for long (I was baptised right before Bill and I got married) and I really want to study together as a family and make reading the bible (even though Catholics are notorious for not reading the Bible)a part of our daily lives.
My dream is to have family reading time, at least once a week, even when the boys get bigger. How great would it be to have us all reading together in the living room at night before bed? Ahhh, I can hope.
Anyways, this Lent, I am going to read some of the Bible every night with my hubby AND I am going to get my Friday meat free meals a bit up a re-vamp.
How? This is what is working for me this Wed. and all of Lent. and
You can search for recipes by ingredients you have,or don't want, like meatless!
So, this Lent, I am going to be visiting these websites a lot so we don't get tired of going meatless AND so we can have healthy, protein packed meals that I wouldn't otherwise know how to make.
What are some of you giving up or adding in your dainly lives for the next 40 days?
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Fat Tuesday
Happy Mardi Gras, everyone!!!
Well, we had so much fun experiencing the Mardi Gras (Fat Tuesday) celebrations down here in Alabama! The moonpies, the beads, the parades, purple yellow and green everywhere; I will miss all that when we move back home.
I found a cute Mardi Gras Fleur de Lis ornament that we will be adding to our Christmas Tree next year-figured that was the one time I could get away with a glittering Mardi Gras item fitting in around my home back in NC.
Well, we had so much fun experiencing the Mardi Gras (Fat Tuesday) celebrations down here in Alabama! The moonpies, the beads, the parades, purple yellow and green everywhere; I will miss all that when we move back home.
I found a cute Mardi Gras Fleur de Lis ornament that we will be adding to our Christmas Tree next year-figured that was the one time I could get away with a glittering Mardi Gras item fitting in around my home back in NC.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Loyal Order of Firetrucks
When hunting around the Mardi Gras parades going on all month long down here in Mobile, AL, I had a few rules:
*Had to take place in the daylight hours (figured there would be less chance of drunken debauchery)
*Had to include families on the floats (figured there would be less chance of drunken debauchery)
*Had to have a route near some free place to park (figured we'd save money where we could)
*Had to NOT be on Canal Street, the route of most of the Mobile Paraded. I had already been warned that Canal Street hosted all the bars, and I would be guaranteed to see stripping, flashing, and overall drunken debauchery.
So, when I found the Loyal Order of Firetrucks parade, hosted by the local firefighters and their families, taking place at 2pm on a Sunday, I knew that was the parade for us to try out.
Well, my rules held true, and we didn't encounter any drunken debauchery. Yay!We lucked out too that the firetruck parade, since it is more family oriented, isn't usually very crowded, so we actually had a lot of space on a nice grassy area for the kids to play before the parade came by.
And even though the parade ran so late that we (and a lot of others around us) wondered if it had been canceled (some parades had been due to budget cuts and such), it was SO FUN and SO WONDERFUL to see Little Dude enjoy his first moonpie.(Don't ask why they throw moonpies, I have no idea, and all the locals I asked had no idea either). Little Dude wasn't as into beads, but loved the firetrucks AND we got to see a really old-timey firetruck; THAT was cool!
So, that was our very first experience with Mardi Gras down here on the Gulf Coast, and it was really fun. Apparently 90,000 people go to The Joe Cain Parade in downtown Mobile; I've heard that was THE first parade, and that the big Mardi Gras tradition started in Mobile because of a man named Joe Cain, and then it spread out to most of the Gulf Coast cities, like New Orleans.
I'll have some video up soon.
*Had to take place in the daylight hours (figured there would be less chance of drunken debauchery)
*Had to include families on the floats (figured there would be less chance of drunken debauchery)
*Had to have a route near some free place to park (figured we'd save money where we could)
*Had to NOT be on Canal Street, the route of most of the Mobile Paraded. I had already been warned that Canal Street hosted all the bars, and I would be guaranteed to see stripping, flashing, and overall drunken debauchery.
So, when I found the Loyal Order of Firetrucks parade, hosted by the local firefighters and their families, taking place at 2pm on a Sunday, I knew that was the parade for us to try out.
Well, my rules held true, and we didn't encounter any drunken debauchery. Yay!We lucked out too that the firetruck parade, since it is more family oriented, isn't usually very crowded, so we actually had a lot of space on a nice grassy area for the kids to play before the parade came by.
And even though the parade ran so late that we (and a lot of others around us) wondered if it had been canceled (some parades had been due to budget cuts and such), it was SO FUN and SO WONDERFUL to see Little Dude enjoy his first moonpie.(Don't ask why they throw moonpies, I have no idea, and all the locals I asked had no idea either). Little Dude wasn't as into beads, but loved the firetrucks AND we got to see a really old-timey firetruck; THAT was cool!
So, that was our very first experience with Mardi Gras down here on the Gulf Coast, and it was really fun. Apparently 90,000 people go to The Joe Cain Parade in downtown Mobile; I've heard that was THE first parade, and that the big Mardi Gras tradition started in Mobile because of a man named Joe Cain, and then it spread out to most of the Gulf Coast cities, like New Orleans.
I'll have some video up soon.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Pooping Uh Oh
Oh yea, I have gone there. This post is about poop, my friend.
Currently we are still sorta working on potty training our toddler. He pees really well in it. On a rare occasion will poop, but mostly it is false alarms, and he is still not getting so good at telling me he has to go until it is too late. Honestly, since I really do have germ-a-phobic tendencies and I am REALLY dreading having to let him sit on a public toilet (while somehow keeping JR from touching ANYTHING)I haven't been pushing too hard. I figure that when he is ready, he will start wanting to do it.
We have the little potty, and the seat for the big toilet, so he can even choose which he likes best when the time comes.
But until then, we have a slight problem we have to overcome. You see, my Little Dude does not like to poop, and it has gotten really bad since this past summer. For some reason, he holds his poop in, then, when he does finally poop, it hurts, causing him to not want to poop, holding it in...and, well, you see.
So, under the orders and directions of Little Dude's pediatrician, we are giving Little Dude laxatives every so often to make it easier for him to go, and to encourage painless pooping (which will later lead to him wanting to poop all the time in his potty).
Where am I going with this?
Well, since he had gone three days without pooping, it was time to give him a laxative.
All I'm going to share of the rest of the story is:
madly rising water, panicked call to hubby, emergency water shutoff, hubby rushing home,stopped up toilet, many towels, kids barricaded in the living room, hubby manning a shop vac, spraying disinfectant everywhere, and the feeling that I needed to scrub my body with bleach but settled for hot water and soap.
Oh yea, it was a big poop uh oh.
Currently we are still sorta working on potty training our toddler. He pees really well in it. On a rare occasion will poop, but mostly it is false alarms, and he is still not getting so good at telling me he has to go until it is too late. Honestly, since I really do have germ-a-phobic tendencies and I am REALLY dreading having to let him sit on a public toilet (while somehow keeping JR from touching ANYTHING)I haven't been pushing too hard. I figure that when he is ready, he will start wanting to do it.
We have the little potty, and the seat for the big toilet, so he can even choose which he likes best when the time comes.
But until then, we have a slight problem we have to overcome. You see, my Little Dude does not like to poop, and it has gotten really bad since this past summer. For some reason, he holds his poop in, then, when he does finally poop, it hurts, causing him to not want to poop, holding it in...and, well, you see.
So, under the orders and directions of Little Dude's pediatrician, we are giving Little Dude laxatives every so often to make it easier for him to go, and to encourage painless pooping (which will later lead to him wanting to poop all the time in his potty).
Where am I going with this?
Well, since he had gone three days without pooping, it was time to give him a laxative.
All I'm going to share of the rest of the story is:
madly rising water, panicked call to hubby, emergency water shutoff, hubby rushing home,stopped up toilet, many towels, kids barricaded in the living room, hubby manning a shop vac, spraying disinfectant everywhere, and the feeling that I needed to scrub my body with bleach but settled for hot water and soap.
Oh yea, it was a big poop uh oh.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
25 Things
Nell over at Casual Friday Everyday tagged me to share 25 things about myself, so here goes:
1. I love the colors blue and green, and I'm obsessed with Shamrocks. I spend a lot of my summer time gardening and searching for a four leaf clover-haven't found one yet, but surely my odds are getting better...
2. I have never had a good relationship with my parents, and that makes me sad. My mom hasn't spoken to me since Christmas.
3. There are things in my life I wish I could go back and "re-do"; however, there are not any outcomes I would change. I love where my life is, how it has turned out, all the things I have gotten to experience, and I am so excited about my future with my hubby and children.
4. I started working at the age of 14 with a worker's permit, and beyond being at home with my first son, I have never been without a job (or two..or three). In high school I saved up money for over a year to go to Italy. It was totally worth it.
5. I try my hardest to be really dependable, and it kills me if I let anyone down.
6. I really struggled in high school and have a hard time learning and remembering new things. (I swear my cal. teacher, Mr. Smith, wanted to strangle me for all the times he had so show me functions...) I'm also a defeated perfectionist, so if I can't get something perfect I get really upset and quit. That is a trait I am fighting hard to fix
7. I have two little sisters that I adore, two brother in laws that are wonderful, 4 sister in laws that are super fun, 3 cute nephews, 2 beautiful nieces, 2 loving father in laws, 1 amazing mother in law, 1 wonderful aunt, 1 terrific uncle, 2 great cousins, and a first cousin once removed lovely little baby angel in heaven.
8. I play the French horn, flute and taught myself a little piano, but really wish I had time to practice. With two kids and working from home, time just disappears... but I'll always be a band geek.
9. My sister in law taught me to knit, and I am pretty good at making scarves. I'd love to try something harder, but haven't had the time to look into classes
10. I was an extra in the movie "My Fellow Americans". I was in one of the gay parade marching bands and during shooting one day James Garner ran me down. He was super nice and came back after the "take" to apologize and make sure I was OK. The band I was in caused a horse to freak out when we started playing and it stepped on Jack Lemmon. It was super hot, but also super fun to skip school with my high school friends to be in a movie! My parents didn't know I skipped school to do it.
11. I worked my way through college with three jobs and got out in 4 years with very little loan debt. I had it all paid off within a few years of graduating too. I get really annoyed with people who say they can't afford school.
12. I have a degree in English from NC State University. My concentration was in Medieval English and I would LOVE to someday teach it at the college level. I'm hoping to finish a Master's in English after the kids start school
13. I have played with the idea of homeschooling, simply because of the horror stories of public education all my teacher friends share with me.
14. I love seeing how cheap I can get our groceries to be yet still get healthy items. I will sit and plan out from the grocery sale fliers what meals to have for a few weeks, then search for coupons online. Yea, I'm a housewife, that's what I do.
15. I hate driving places I don't know, but I'm really good with maps-there is always one in my car along with emergency supplies of water, food, clothes and blankets in case the car breaks down. I'm a little OCD because as a kid our cars were always breaking down. I stole the Garmin from my husband a few weeks ago and hope he doesn't ask for it back...I think I love Garmin :)
16. I worked as an Intern for Disney when I didn't have money for one semester of school; it was the greatest. I worked all over the park doing all kinds of jobs and loved every min. Later I worked during school as a recruiter for the program. Bill and I spent our honeymoon there almost for free because of all the discounts and free tickets I had earned. I can't wait to take my kids there. I am a huge Disney freak and I would totally work there for free if I could. I loved it.
17. I would love to adopt a child someday, and I think it would be wonderful to go to my husband's family's home country of Lithuania for him/her.
18. I volunteered at Give Kids The World while I lived in Florida; that was such an eye opening experience. I would love to do that again.I would love to nurse children with terminal illnesses, but I don't think I would be able to keep my emotions in check. I would probably cry all the time.
19. I LOVE yoga, it is such a great "time out" for me. And it gets me to the gym, so I feel obligated to run and work out more, too. (and there is "day care" for the kids!) It is also a great way to focus on what is important in life; I really believe that only you can determine the level of your happiness.
20. I'm pretty good at making friends and staying in touch, though I tend to be shy in the beginning. Even with meeting all the awesome moms I've met online, I tended to "lurk" for awhile, just reading their posts before I started commenting and carrying on conversations.
21. I always wanted to be a cheerleader, but never made the team.
22. I took ballet up through high school; I loved it and was in the nutcracker a few times.
23. In high school I lettered in soccer all four years, was on the math team, in band and in the winter guard (yes, I can twirl a flag).
24. I LOVE camping and am really good at building a fire. I got lots of practice growing up in a house with a wood burning stove as the source of heat for winter.
25. I love the beach and want to live near the water someday. I hate being cold and really despise more than a couple of days of snow.
At first this list seemed a little hard, but once I got going I found I had a pretty long list of things about me to share! In the future, I will have to do another one; it was pretty fun reflecting on the top 25 things I'd like for all of you to know about me. Some of them are things that I no longer do but am proud I once had the skills to do (like math team...last time I multiplied I messed up the zeros, much to the amusement of my husband and brother in law; I am blaming being preggo with JR for that glitch in my brain....)
Anyways, I am going to tag some people I haven't tagged before, all great reads that I have finally stopped lurking at: Mostly Natural Momma, Musings of a Mommy Bee, and Mom 4 Life. And one friend that I love dearly (and know in real life) but would love to learn more about: Miss Priss Does A Blog
1. I love the colors blue and green, and I'm obsessed with Shamrocks. I spend a lot of my summer time gardening and searching for a four leaf clover-haven't found one yet, but surely my odds are getting better...
2. I have never had a good relationship with my parents, and that makes me sad. My mom hasn't spoken to me since Christmas.
3. There are things in my life I wish I could go back and "re-do"; however, there are not any outcomes I would change. I love where my life is, how it has turned out, all the things I have gotten to experience, and I am so excited about my future with my hubby and children.
4. I started working at the age of 14 with a worker's permit, and beyond being at home with my first son, I have never been without a job (or two..or three). In high school I saved up money for over a year to go to Italy. It was totally worth it.
5. I try my hardest to be really dependable, and it kills me if I let anyone down.
6. I really struggled in high school and have a hard time learning and remembering new things. (I swear my cal. teacher, Mr. Smith, wanted to strangle me for all the times he had so show me functions...) I'm also a defeated perfectionist, so if I can't get something perfect I get really upset and quit. That is a trait I am fighting hard to fix
7. I have two little sisters that I adore, two brother in laws that are wonderful, 4 sister in laws that are super fun, 3 cute nephews, 2 beautiful nieces, 2 loving father in laws, 1 amazing mother in law, 1 wonderful aunt, 1 terrific uncle, 2 great cousins, and a first cousin once removed lovely little baby angel in heaven.
8. I play the French horn, flute and taught myself a little piano, but really wish I had time to practice. With two kids and working from home, time just disappears... but I'll always be a band geek.
9. My sister in law taught me to knit, and I am pretty good at making scarves. I'd love to try something harder, but haven't had the time to look into classes
10. I was an extra in the movie "My Fellow Americans". I was in one of the gay parade marching bands and during shooting one day James Garner ran me down. He was super nice and came back after the "take" to apologize and make sure I was OK. The band I was in caused a horse to freak out when we started playing and it stepped on Jack Lemmon. It was super hot, but also super fun to skip school with my high school friends to be in a movie! My parents didn't know I skipped school to do it.
11. I worked my way through college with three jobs and got out in 4 years with very little loan debt. I had it all paid off within a few years of graduating too. I get really annoyed with people who say they can't afford school.
12. I have a degree in English from NC State University. My concentration was in Medieval English and I would LOVE to someday teach it at the college level. I'm hoping to finish a Master's in English after the kids start school
13. I have played with the idea of homeschooling, simply because of the horror stories of public education all my teacher friends share with me.
14. I love seeing how cheap I can get our groceries to be yet still get healthy items. I will sit and plan out from the grocery sale fliers what meals to have for a few weeks, then search for coupons online. Yea, I'm a housewife, that's what I do.
15. I hate driving places I don't know, but I'm really good with maps-there is always one in my car along with emergency supplies of water, food, clothes and blankets in case the car breaks down. I'm a little OCD because as a kid our cars were always breaking down. I stole the Garmin from my husband a few weeks ago and hope he doesn't ask for it back...I think I love Garmin :)
16. I worked as an Intern for Disney when I didn't have money for one semester of school; it was the greatest. I worked all over the park doing all kinds of jobs and loved every min. Later I worked during school as a recruiter for the program. Bill and I spent our honeymoon there almost for free because of all the discounts and free tickets I had earned. I can't wait to take my kids there. I am a huge Disney freak and I would totally work there for free if I could. I loved it.
17. I would love to adopt a child someday, and I think it would be wonderful to go to my husband's family's home country of Lithuania for him/her.
18. I volunteered at Give Kids The World while I lived in Florida; that was such an eye opening experience. I would love to do that again.I would love to nurse children with terminal illnesses, but I don't think I would be able to keep my emotions in check. I would probably cry all the time.
19. I LOVE yoga, it is such a great "time out" for me. And it gets me to the gym, so I feel obligated to run and work out more, too. (and there is "day care" for the kids!) It is also a great way to focus on what is important in life; I really believe that only you can determine the level of your happiness.
20. I'm pretty good at making friends and staying in touch, though I tend to be shy in the beginning. Even with meeting all the awesome moms I've met online, I tended to "lurk" for awhile, just reading their posts before I started commenting and carrying on conversations.
21. I always wanted to be a cheerleader, but never made the team.
22. I took ballet up through high school; I loved it and was in the nutcracker a few times.
23. In high school I lettered in soccer all four years, was on the math team, in band and in the winter guard (yes, I can twirl a flag).
24. I LOVE camping and am really good at building a fire. I got lots of practice growing up in a house with a wood burning stove as the source of heat for winter.
25. I love the beach and want to live near the water someday. I hate being cold and really despise more than a couple of days of snow.
At first this list seemed a little hard, but once I got going I found I had a pretty long list of things about me to share! In the future, I will have to do another one; it was pretty fun reflecting on the top 25 things I'd like for all of you to know about me. Some of them are things that I no longer do but am proud I once had the skills to do (like math team...last time I multiplied I messed up the zeros, much to the amusement of my husband and brother in law; I am blaming being preggo with JR for that glitch in my brain....)
Anyways, I am going to tag some people I haven't tagged before, all great reads that I have finally stopped lurking at: Mostly Natural Momma, Musings of a Mommy Bee, and Mom 4 Life. And one friend that I love dearly (and know in real life) but would love to learn more about: Miss Priss Does A Blog
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Edible Paint

Well, in honor of Shannon's last
Works For Me Wendsday
, I will share a fun, edible, go-to rainy day activity. This was great fun to make in my preschool class, and I am sure your children will love it as well. In a pinch, you can go from being stuck inside and bored to busy and happy around the kitchen table! This homemade paint recipe is safe to eat, easy to clean up, and fun to make with your kids!Condensed-Milk Paint
you'll need:
bowls (1 for each color you want to make)
1 cup condensed milk per color you're making
food coloring
In bowl, mix 1 cup condensed milk with many drops of food coloring to make a very bright, glossy paint. This paint is not intended to be eaten, but it won't hurt your kid if they do eat it, which is fabulous! You can store leftover paint in the fridge, or just toss down the drain. This paint is great on paper, but not as great on poster board.
To clean up, just use a soapy rag or sponge, just like you would after lunch time. Depending on the food coloring you use, it might stain clothes, so either wear old clothes, a smock, or add a little dish soap to the paint so it will wash out of clothes easily. (But note if you do add the soap it is not longer edible)
Enjoy!! Next week
Works For Me Wednesday
will be moving to Kristen's, so stay up on all the great tips out there by checking her out next Wed!
children activities,
toddler activities,
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Being a Kid
I have decided the best part of being a parent is that I get to be a kid. Being silly, playing games, watching is really just the best.
When Bill got home yesterday, he and Little Dude played hide and seek, shrieking and laughing so loudly I was surprised none of the neighbors came over to see what was going on. All of us got in on the play action by pretending to be trains.
Oh yea, we were crawling around on the floor making choo choo sounds under the direction of my toddler, and JR, being the only sane one at that moment, stared at us all in disbelief.
Being a parent is such a wonderful excuse to be a kid.
When Bill got home yesterday, he and Little Dude played hide and seek, shrieking and laughing so loudly I was surprised none of the neighbors came over to see what was going on. All of us got in on the play action by pretending to be trains.
Oh yea, we were crawling around on the floor making choo choo sounds under the direction of my toddler, and JR, being the only sane one at that moment, stared at us all in disbelief.
Being a parent is such a wonderful excuse to be a kid.
Monday, February 16, 2009
I love the Internet, But..
I love the Internet. I love shopping. I even love the logical mix of the two: online shopping!
However, I hate that so much of what I find online I can't find in any stores. There are just some things I want to TOUCH, TRY ON, and PRACTICE with before shelling out big bucks. Especially when the return policies and refunds can be a little hazy for a large online purchase.
I have been on the hunt for a good back carrier for my little JR (and perhaps my Little Dude too, since I am sure once he sees JR being carried that way he will at least want to try it), but I have been unable to find any stores that carry the kinds I have looked at.
I'd love to try a baby hawk or free hand Mei Tai, but honestly, I am just too nervous to think of trying to do the tying for a back carry alone. I don't know anyone that uses them here around me, so beyond online pictures or videos, I am not quite sure how to do it. I also want this to be something I could use when I am out alone, and unless I have someone to help, I just don't trust myself to tie everything well enough.
I'm also in love with this ergo, but I wonder how hot the material would be compared to this sport ergo. Since both places I live (AL and NC) have pretty hot summers, and it looks like this summer will be spent in AL (unless hubby gets laid off...)then air flow and the thickness of the material about JR would be very important. Something I just can't tell until I touch and check out the carriers. And I certainly don't want to buy BOTH and then fight to get a refund back on one...
I also am intrigued with this beco butterfly carrier, because it solves my personal hesitation over getting a back carrier to begin with: it has a built in panel that you can put you child into before putting them on your back; so you can do it alone, and they can't fall out. No tossing your child on your back and holding them with one hand while you tie straps or hook buckles. But again, I can't find a place that sells them in REAL stores, so I don't know if the material would be so close to JR that he would get hot and sweat all the time, or if I like the construction and sewing better than on the ergos.
And what about the padding? Though some of the carriers I like mention how much, it really can depend on how the padding is put in and what is used for padding as to make it comfortable. Both my ring slings were advertised with "light padding of 1/4 foam" but they both sit differently and feel differently just because of the design. Again, something I feel I need to try and touch to decide on which back carrier I want to buy. The padding is esp important since I would love to go hiking with the boys, and JR is just too little to do any real traveling except by stroller or carrier, and a back carry would be tons more comfortable on a good trail.
If these items were $30, or even $50, I wouldn't worry about it, and just order a couple and sell the ones I didn't like at a loss, or give them as gifts to other mom friends. But all of these are anywhere from $80 to $140, with the Free Hand being the cheapest (and only one under $100 after shipping and taxes), but also the one I know the least about and feel the most uneasy about trying. And even though I have money set aside and saved just for one of these carriers, it did take me a LONG time to save, so I want to pick a carrier I will be happy to have, be comfortable wearing and using.
I would love to try a wrap, but since they are only for front carry, it seems to make more sense for me to get one that can do front and back instead. And I think JR is getting a little big for a wrap anyway, as he is almost 18 pounds now...maybe with my next baby.
So, other moms out in the blogosphere, what are some of your opinions on the carriers I mentioned? Any one know a store in Mobile, AL or Raleigh, NC that might sell any of these? Can anyone show me how you get your kid on your back when you don't have a chair? Like, if you are out shopping? Or do you always have to sit in a chair to get your child get in the Mei Tai?
I'm so confused; if only I could touch the carriers....
However, I hate that so much of what I find online I can't find in any stores. There are just some things I want to TOUCH, TRY ON, and PRACTICE with before shelling out big bucks. Especially when the return policies and refunds can be a little hazy for a large online purchase.
I have been on the hunt for a good back carrier for my little JR (and perhaps my Little Dude too, since I am sure once he sees JR being carried that way he will at least want to try it), but I have been unable to find any stores that carry the kinds I have looked at.
I'd love to try a baby hawk or free hand Mei Tai, but honestly, I am just too nervous to think of trying to do the tying for a back carry alone. I don't know anyone that uses them here around me, so beyond online pictures or videos, I am not quite sure how to do it. I also want this to be something I could use when I am out alone, and unless I have someone to help, I just don't trust myself to tie everything well enough.
I'm also in love with this ergo, but I wonder how hot the material would be compared to this sport ergo. Since both places I live (AL and NC) have pretty hot summers, and it looks like this summer will be spent in AL (unless hubby gets laid off...)then air flow and the thickness of the material about JR would be very important. Something I just can't tell until I touch and check out the carriers. And I certainly don't want to buy BOTH and then fight to get a refund back on one...
I also am intrigued with this beco butterfly carrier, because it solves my personal hesitation over getting a back carrier to begin with: it has a built in panel that you can put you child into before putting them on your back; so you can do it alone, and they can't fall out. No tossing your child on your back and holding them with one hand while you tie straps or hook buckles. But again, I can't find a place that sells them in REAL stores, so I don't know if the material would be so close to JR that he would get hot and sweat all the time, or if I like the construction and sewing better than on the ergos.
And what about the padding? Though some of the carriers I like mention how much, it really can depend on how the padding is put in and what is used for padding as to make it comfortable. Both my ring slings were advertised with "light padding of 1/4 foam" but they both sit differently and feel differently just because of the design. Again, something I feel I need to try and touch to decide on which back carrier I want to buy. The padding is esp important since I would love to go hiking with the boys, and JR is just too little to do any real traveling except by stroller or carrier, and a back carry would be tons more comfortable on a good trail.
If these items were $30, or even $50, I wouldn't worry about it, and just order a couple and sell the ones I didn't like at a loss, or give them as gifts to other mom friends. But all of these are anywhere from $80 to $140, with the Free Hand being the cheapest (and only one under $100 after shipping and taxes), but also the one I know the least about and feel the most uneasy about trying. And even though I have money set aside and saved just for one of these carriers, it did take me a LONG time to save, so I want to pick a carrier I will be happy to have, be comfortable wearing and using.
I would love to try a wrap, but since they are only for front carry, it seems to make more sense for me to get one that can do front and back instead. And I think JR is getting a little big for a wrap anyway, as he is almost 18 pounds now...maybe with my next baby.
So, other moms out in the blogosphere, what are some of your opinions on the carriers I mentioned? Any one know a store in Mobile, AL or Raleigh, NC that might sell any of these? Can anyone show me how you get your kid on your back when you don't have a chair? Like, if you are out shopping? Or do you always have to sit in a chair to get your child get in the Mei Tai?
I'm so confused; if only I could touch the carriers....
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Friday, February 13, 2009
8 Months Ago Today
Eight Months ago, we were here. Now, my little angel is getting teeth, army crawling faster than I can keep up with, starting to eat food, and beginning to get up on all fours. 8 months. Such a long amount of time that has flown by in a blink.

Happy 8 month birthday, JR!
Happy 8 month birthday, JR!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Peace in the Chaos
So when I found out I didn't have Internet last Saturday, I freaked. Yes, I lost my cool.
All I could think (while checking the Internet again, just in case it started to magically work again..)was how I would be so behind in work. And blogging and emailing and twittering, and all that other tech-y stuff I've worked hard on that has gotten me out there as an "amateur-semi-pro" blogger.
And did I mention work? Yea, well, not having Internet for the whole weekend, and not even getting getting it back until late yesterday, made me a LITTLE stressed.
OK, A LOT stressed.
But you know what? It was OK. I had the most fabulous past 4 days. I didn't worry about the Internet, since there was nothing I could control or do beyond calling Comcast. I just simply enjoyed the free time I had to hang out with my boys, pamper my hubby, and just relax.
Over the past 4 days, I read tons of toddler books, had dinner actually ready when Bill would walk in the door, had ALL the laundry done AND put away (yes, a feat for me, aka Miss Laundry hater) the boys got baths EVERY night, we went to the park EVERY day, and just had fun.
I really enjoyed the days of "forced" vacation I had, and loved refocusing on what truly is important to me. Because even though I do really love my job and would love to be a part of the team for many many years to come, these days of no Internet made me realize that I spend more time on the computer and Internet than I should.
So, I have decided to refocus my efforts and really work on getting the kids to the park here at least once a day, if only for a few minutes.
Being in an apartment is hard, since I don't have a backyard to let them loose into, and the parks are a good drive away, but setting aside some good play time to go hang out with other kids (and moms!) on a daily basis has been so nice for Little Dude, Jr AND me.
Yes, I still love the Internet, will still work tons,and will do my best to blog everyday, but I am also putting a new "to do" that will be moved up to the top on my long list:
Spending time with my family.
Yea, that's an important one, and I am glad this weekend of no Internet reminded me to keep my priorities straight.

All I could think (while checking the Internet again, just in case it started to magically work again..)was how I would be so behind in work. And blogging and emailing and twittering, and all that other tech-y stuff I've worked hard on that has gotten me out there as an "amateur-semi-pro" blogger.
And did I mention work? Yea, well, not having Internet for the whole weekend, and not even getting getting it back until late yesterday, made me a LITTLE stressed.
OK, A LOT stressed.
But you know what? It was OK. I had the most fabulous past 4 days. I didn't worry about the Internet, since there was nothing I could control or do beyond calling Comcast. I just simply enjoyed the free time I had to hang out with my boys, pamper my hubby, and just relax.
Over the past 4 days, I read tons of toddler books, had dinner actually ready when Bill would walk in the door, had ALL the laundry done AND put away (yes, a feat for me, aka Miss Laundry hater) the boys got baths EVERY night, we went to the park EVERY day, and just had fun.
I really enjoyed the days of "forced" vacation I had, and loved refocusing on what truly is important to me. Because even though I do really love my job and would love to be a part of the team for many many years to come, these days of no Internet made me realize that I spend more time on the computer and Internet than I should.
So, I have decided to refocus my efforts and really work on getting the kids to the park here at least once a day, if only for a few minutes.
Being in an apartment is hard, since I don't have a backyard to let them loose into, and the parks are a good drive away, but setting aside some good play time to go hang out with other kids (and moms!) on a daily basis has been so nice for Little Dude, Jr AND me.
Yes, I still love the Internet, will still work tons,and will do my best to blog everyday, but I am also putting a new "to do" that will be moved up to the top on my long list:
Spending time with my family.
Yea, that's an important one, and I am glad this weekend of no Internet reminded me to keep my priorities straight.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Back from The Dark
Oh Thank goodness I have the Internet back! I gave up using the weak internet signal I was picking up off someone else because it just kept going in and out and frustrated me.
Comcast frustrated me because apparently there was a "blackout" of internet services on Saturday, which was fixed on Monday. HOWEVER, the "blackout" wasn't my problem, my problem was with my modem. But, good ol' Comcast just figured I didn't know what I was talking about and decided that my internet had to be fixed once the "blackout" was. Thus, I had to call again Tuesday to see WHY they had not come to fix my Internet, found out I had been taken off the list of problems, and had be put back on the said list, promptly. However, it was too late for anyone to come Tuesday to fix it, so Wednesday it was. Sigh.
And the time frame of coming? 10am to 3pm. Could you be any more ridiculous with that time range? Really, I have kids and errands to run. Sigh
As luck would have it, they showed up near the end of the day.
And so , I spent the rest of the day trying to catch up on work and answering over a 100 emails.
So, tomorrow, I will be back to my regularly scheduled programing here. And I just wanted to let all you guys know, I missed you, thanks for all the email love, and I'll do my best to answer everyone soon.
Comcast frustrated me because apparently there was a "blackout" of internet services on Saturday, which was fixed on Monday. HOWEVER, the "blackout" wasn't my problem, my problem was with my modem. But, good ol' Comcast just figured I didn't know what I was talking about and decided that my internet had to be fixed once the "blackout" was. Thus, I had to call again Tuesday to see WHY they had not come to fix my Internet, found out I had been taken off the list of problems, and had be put back on the said list, promptly. However, it was too late for anyone to come Tuesday to fix it, so Wednesday it was. Sigh.
And the time frame of coming? 10am to 3pm. Could you be any more ridiculous with that time range? Really, I have kids and errands to run. Sigh
As luck would have it, they showed up near the end of the day.
And so , I spent the rest of the day trying to catch up on work and answering over a 100 emails.
So, tomorrow, I will be back to my regularly scheduled programing here. And I just wanted to let all you guys know, I missed you, thanks for all the email love, and I'll do my best to answer everyone soon.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
In the Dark
Well, I feel like I have had a limb chopped off.
Yes, I freaked out when I realized Saturday that my Internet was not working, even though the cable was. OH DEAR LORD. No Internet!!
Not only could I not work (which I had put off on Friday with the thoughts that I would simply catch up over the weekend), but I also could check email, update my calendar of events, OR BLOG. OH DEAR LORD.
Right now I am hacking off someone else's Internet in the apartment building. (Can that get me in trouble? Not sure..) Anyways, the connection is so weak, and keeps disconnecting, so it is taking forever to do some quick work and write this post to let you guys know I had not died.
So, tomorrow I will be running out to the company that rents our corporate apartment out, then hopefully getting a new modem from them. But not, then getting whatever info I need to take to Comcast so I can THEN get a new modem. Then play date, then lunch, laundry, naps for the kids, time for me to work (crossed fingers-that's if I get the new modem, cleaning the sticky stuff off the floor (I have no idea what the stuff is. Just a fact of life when a toddler is around, everything is sticky) then taking the kids to the park so the get worn out, go to the store, cooking dinner, twiddling my thumbs during the time I would have been on the computer, reading to the kids, and getting everyone alive through the day (mostly me, because I am already going through computer withdraw, and it is not pretty, my friends).
Even while living in the dark ages of no Internet, my days are full and fun. I just have no idea what is going on in the world or how to dress for the day,so I have to pack even more in the diaper bag.
Oh Internet, how I miss thee, and it has only been 2 days. Sigh.
Yes, I freaked out when I realized Saturday that my Internet was not working, even though the cable was. OH DEAR LORD. No Internet!!
Not only could I not work (which I had put off on Friday with the thoughts that I would simply catch up over the weekend), but I also could check email, update my calendar of events, OR BLOG. OH DEAR LORD.
Right now I am hacking off someone else's Internet in the apartment building. (Can that get me in trouble? Not sure..) Anyways, the connection is so weak, and keeps disconnecting, so it is taking forever to do some quick work and write this post to let you guys know I had not died.
So, tomorrow I will be running out to the company that rents our corporate apartment out, then hopefully getting a new modem from them. But not, then getting whatever info I need to take to Comcast so I can THEN get a new modem. Then play date, then lunch, laundry, naps for the kids, time for me to work (crossed fingers-that's if I get the new modem, cleaning the sticky stuff off the floor (I have no idea what the stuff is. Just a fact of life when a toddler is around, everything is sticky) then taking the kids to the park so the get worn out, go to the store, cooking dinner, twiddling my thumbs during the time I would have been on the computer, reading to the kids, and getting everyone alive through the day (mostly me, because I am already going through computer withdraw, and it is not pretty, my friends).
Even while living in the dark ages of no Internet, my days are full and fun. I just have no idea what is going on in the world or how to dress for the day,so I have to pack even more in the diaper bag.
Oh Internet, how I miss thee, and it has only been 2 days. Sigh.
Friday, February 6, 2009
He's Just NOT That Into You
Well, with the sniffles, fort building, and work I've been doing this week, I just haven't had time to come up with an awesome post for today. So instead, I am sharing the He's Just Not That Into You Widget with you guys.
As part of the One2One Network, I've had the great chance to preview movies and CDs, and let me just tell you THIS soundtrack is one of my favorites EVER. I love every song on it and sing along to it when driving around with the kids.
And this movie trailer? It had me laughing out loud during nap time. These guys are so hilarious, and you can see how the cast of He's Just Not That Into You clicked so well with a spark of magic that always occurs in GREAT films.
So, check out the widget that had me laughing so loud I almost woke the children from their naps, and let me know what you think! The movie comes out today in Theaters nationwide and truly is the perfect date movie for girls AND guys!
As part of the One2One Network, I've had the great chance to preview movies and CDs, and let me just tell you THIS soundtrack is one of my favorites EVER. I love every song on it and sing along to it when driving around with the kids.
And this movie trailer? It had me laughing out loud during nap time. These guys are so hilarious, and you can see how the cast of He's Just Not That Into You clicked so well with a spark of magic that always occurs in GREAT films.
So, check out the widget that had me laughing so loud I almost woke the children from their naps, and let me know what you think! The movie comes out today in Theaters nationwide and truly is the perfect date movie for girls AND guys!
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Still Sick
We are still sick, but I am feeling tons better. Both my sons have noses that more closely resemble Niagara Falls (nice visual, eh?) but the coughs have started to clear up so I am hopeful that perhaps by tomorrow I won't have snot rubbed all over my clothes anymore. That would be nice, because let me just tell you that it is gross to think you kid is hugging you, then look down and realize he is using your pants to wipe his nose. Oh my.
So, now I'm off to get some work done before the kids get up. Then I'm sure I will be building a fort in the living room, as we have for the past 3 days. I'll work on getting some pictures or video of my awesome fort skills for everyone later, you guys just must see how much Little Dude LOVES playing in the fort! I am getting a kick out of it too; isn't it fun how kids give you an excuse to act like a kid yourself?
So, now I'm off to get some work done before the kids get up. Then I'm sure I will be building a fort in the living room, as we have for the past 3 days. I'll work on getting some pictures or video of my awesome fort skills for everyone later, you guys just must see how much Little Dude LOVES playing in the fort! I am getting a kick out of it too; isn't it fun how kids give you an excuse to act like a kid yourself?
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
"B" 10 Things
I was tagged again! This tag is a little tricky, since I have to share 10 things about me with the letter "B", so here I go:
1. Briar Rabbit, the character one of my close friends got to play while we worked as Characters for Disney. Oh yea, tons of fun.
2. Ballet-did it from elementary school on to high school; Preformed in the Nutcracker a few years. Loved ballet, but was very clumsy.
3. Been to Italy. Took me the better part of a year to save the money and I am so glad I went.
4. Been married for 5 years in May.
5. Best friend: My hubby
6. Best girlfriend; it's a three way tie: my sis Lisa, my sis in law Julie, and my mom in law, Patty
7. Blogging: I started with one blog in 2005, was sporadic enough with posting that I forgot the password...then started again in 2006 after we moved to TN and away from family and friends. It started out as a way to keep in touch with family, but now it has lead to me making tons of great friends online and experiencing new opportunities, like product reviews and making a little money! Whoo hoo!
8. Birthed both kids with no drugs, mostly out of the fact I was scared of what the nurse called "sleepy baby syndrome" during our birthing class; yea, I didn't like that and decided then and there MY kids weren't going to have "sleepy baby syndrome". Being Induced was 100 times worse than not. (had one of each)
9. Baby sign language-taught the kids at my preschool and have taught both my babies
10. Believe that God has a plan for us all, but it is up to us to take what he gives us and go the right way.
I'm tagging Scribbit because I am fascinated to hear her 10 "B" things!
1. Briar Rabbit, the character one of my close friends got to play while we worked as Characters for Disney. Oh yea, tons of fun.
2. Ballet-did it from elementary school on to high school; Preformed in the Nutcracker a few years. Loved ballet, but was very clumsy.
3. Been to Italy. Took me the better part of a year to save the money and I am so glad I went.
4. Been married for 5 years in May.
5. Best friend: My hubby
6. Best girlfriend; it's a three way tie: my sis Lisa, my sis in law Julie, and my mom in law, Patty
7. Blogging: I started with one blog in 2005, was sporadic enough with posting that I forgot the password...then started again in 2006 after we moved to TN and away from family and friends. It started out as a way to keep in touch with family, but now it has lead to me making tons of great friends online and experiencing new opportunities, like product reviews and making a little money! Whoo hoo!
8. Birthed both kids with no drugs, mostly out of the fact I was scared of what the nurse called "sleepy baby syndrome" during our birthing class; yea, I didn't like that and decided then and there MY kids weren't going to have "sleepy baby syndrome". Being Induced was 100 times worse than not. (had one of each)
9. Baby sign language-taught the kids at my preschool and have taught both my babies
10. Believe that God has a plan for us all, but it is up to us to take what he gives us and go the right way.
I'm tagging Scribbit because I am fascinated to hear her 10 "B" things!
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Nature's Source
Go to my review and giveaway page to see how to score yourself some FREE, eco-friendly, family friendly AND budget friendly products. I will be giving away some Nature's Source cleaning products to a lucky reader, good luck!
Imagine the Potential
I got into an argument once over the potential of life. The person I argued with actual said that a poor quality of life is not what a child should be brought into and that it was better for the child to be aborted. Well, that enraged me, considering Oprah Winfrey, Geoffrey Canada, Karol Józef Wojtyła aka Pope John Paul II and any number of other successful people, had what some might call "a poor quality of life" growing up; including this guy:
I'm all for people being responsible and trying to plan children, but I am always amazed at how adoption options get overlooked. Why is abortion the answer? Just think of what the world would be missing if your mom had decided that you would have had a poor quality of life full of pain and hardships and decided to spare you from it.

Thank you, Nell at Casual Friday Everyday for sharing this video.
I'm all for people being responsible and trying to plan children, but I am always amazed at how adoption options get overlooked. Why is abortion the answer? Just think of what the world would be missing if your mom had decided that you would have had a poor quality of life full of pain and hardships and decided to spare you from it.
Thank you, Nell at Casual Friday Everyday for sharing this video.
youtube video
Monday, February 2, 2009
Triple The Sick Power
Well, this is a day I knew would come, I just didn't want to ever admit it would happen. Oh yes, BOTH the kids are sick with horrible coughs, runny noses, and overall icky-ness. Can I just whine a little about how hard it is to have two sick kids hanging on you? And constantly feeling the need to rub their NOSES on YOU instead of the nice Kleenex? (And I know right now all my online mom friends with 3 or more kids are laughing at me...)
And Me? Oh yea, I'm not feeling so hot either. My throat is killing me, though I don't have the cough.
So, today, we are snuggling on the sofa, reading stories, watching Elmo for the millionth time, and trying to keep everyone comfy while I fight falling asleep. The very overcast, rainy day we are having isn't helping any with my energy level.
But on the upside, at least we aren't missing out on a pretty day.
Alright, I'm off to grab more Kleenex and another pillow.....
And Me? Oh yea, I'm not feeling so hot either. My throat is killing me, though I don't have the cough.
So, today, we are snuggling on the sofa, reading stories, watching Elmo for the millionth time, and trying to keep everyone comfy while I fight falling asleep. The very overcast, rainy day we are having isn't helping any with my energy level.
But on the upside, at least we aren't missing out on a pretty day.
Alright, I'm off to grab more Kleenex and another pillow.....
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