In other news, we are all sick again. I am blaming the airplane rides, but who knows where this horrible cold/cough is from. At any case, we all have it, even poor JR, and so this post is short. If I have more energy later I will put up some of the pictures from the past month, now that I finally remembered to bring the camera cord down here to Mobile Al.
Now, I need sleep while Little Dude is still sleeping and JR is happy and quiet. And some hot tea.
I think driving to Mobile Al, with two children under the age of 2 for a short term move means you should get something pretty.... :)
I'll be glad to post pictures when I figure it out...I'm so excited! We ran tests of our invites today...John actually designed them. who knew?
Oh I am sorry you have the ick at the house! I hope you all feel better soon.
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