I am so excited I can hardly contain it!! TODAY is the day Bill and I get to go out to dinner, and then see INDIANA JONES in a theater! YAYAYAYAYA!!! John is going to baby sit Little Dude for us, so we can stay out as late as we want. Oh I am SO EXCITED! I don't even know how I am going to wait until Bill gets off work!
In other fun news, we are going to Pullen Park today to meet up with Wendy and Mia-super fun! Little Dude loves the bumper boats and the train, so he is going to have a blast!
Tomorrow we find out if my due date is being moved up or not, based on the baby's size. I kinda hoping it is not moved up, but at the same time, it would be nice to be done being pregnant a little early now that it is getting really HOT here. As long as JR comes when he is ready, I will be fine whenever it is. Even if I go two weeks beyond the 15th of July...sigh.
Then, after my doctor appointment we will be having play date with Jess and Kip-super yay! I haven't seen them in almost 3 weeks because of one or the other of us having things happen that mess up meeting on Fridays-so THIS Friday we are meeting. I am hoping we can try to find a strawberry field to go to with the boys, but we may have missed the window of good strawberry season. I will let you know later on Friday.
As you may have noticed, I am messing around with the layout of my blog-I'm trying to figure out right now how to get some cute design next to words like "blogroll" and "about me" so that instead of having to scroll down to find and read everything, all the info can be easily linked to from the main page-I'll work on it this weekend. My nice little header is courtesy of Scraplog, but I did have to mess around with the html code to get it to fit in normal looking dimensions. I wish I knew how to mess with the code for my layout design in general-I really want to have 2 sidebars, so I can put ads and banners on the right and then my blog related stuff on the left and my writing in the middle...again, I will work on this more this weekend.
I have learned so much about computer code from working at Dakno Marketing, that it really is quite exciting to put my skills to work on my own blog now! Also, I have been able to do a little copy writing for client websites and blogs and that has been a super fun addition to being an Virtual Assistant. Sounds like I'm all tech-y, eh?
I really like the new collage! I hope you have the best time out tonight. Enjoy yourself!
I'm also curious to hear what they say at the Dr's. I'll be in town this weekend so call me if you need anything!
I get to go in a couple hours woohoo!
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