I got Tagged by
Steph! How fun! So, I have never been tagged before, but it seems that now I must share 10 random, weird, fun facts about myself with all of you! OK, here goes:
I play the french horn and flute, neither one terribly well, though I do really enjoy it. Same can be said for most of my hobbies. I have tried my hand ad sewing, knitting, crocheting, scrap booking, and other such things; I'm not impressive at any, but find them all fun and relaxing.
I taught myself to play piano-again, not very well and I can only make it through a handful of songs without sounding just awful. So, I guess you could say I have been teaching myself for over 10 years without much progress, but still really enjoying it.
When I was a sophomore in high school a group of my dear friends and I skipped school to be extras in the movie "My Fellow Americans". We were part of the 'Danny Schmidt Band' and got to play in the 'Gay Parade' scene. I got bumped into and knocked down by James Garner during one of the takes (I am very small and was carrying a big
mellowphone, so it didn't take much to knock me down) and he came up and talked to me afterwards to make sure I was OK. He was a super nice guy. So was Jack Lemmon-I was quite lucky to meet both of them during the days of filming. It certainly ranks as one of my favorite memories.
As a freshman in college I got an internship with Walt Disney World for a semester working in management, business and finance. I got to work at a hotel, in a park gift shop, and at the company cast newspaper, the "Eyes and Ears". I LOVED IT. I am a HUGE Disney fan now. In fact, I loved it so much that I went back many times to work, even auditioned for a character spot and was able to play Mickey, Minnie, Pooh, Piglet, and Alice's White Rabbit. Yes, you have been talking to Mickey Mouse and didn't even know it.
I absolutely hate snow. Give me warm, hot weather any day. I am a skirt, tank, flip flop girl. I think my hatred of snow stems from the fact my parents live in the mountains, on top of a mountain, and at even the slightest hint of cold they seem to loose power and have to 'mountain man' everything-and somehow every year they are never quite prepared for it, either. Some people like pumping water and having to build a fire to keep warm and eat. I; however, HATE THAT and would much rather just turn the heat up than to go outside in a snow storm searching for wood so we can heat up beans.
I was raised an atheist, but am now a Catholic. Going to church as a family is very important to me and I am so glad my husband and I have a strong footing to help us with raising our sons. Also, as Catholics, we are pro-life, we follow
Natural Family Planning (and we have followed it for 4 years now). Also as a side note, I saved up money and went to Italy for a few weeks after high school graduation; I am quite lucky to have seen our late Pope,
John-Paul II in person.
I LOVE to read. Especially
historical fiction and
action adventures.
I would like to have a lot of kids someday and I would really like to adopt a child at some point.
I worked my way through school, and got out with very little debt. I worked as a manager for
Starbucks, a preschool teacher/daycare provider for
Bright Horizons, and at the
school gym, all at the same time and all while keeping a B average GPA and graduating in 4 years. No one can tell me that they can't afford school or 'have to join the army' to afford it. It can be done, you just have to WORK. I am also glad to say, it is all paid off and we are
debt free besides our mortgage.
I love photography and for a summer worked with a wedding photographer and got to photograph a wedding-that was SUPER FUN!
Well, I guess that is some good, random info about me! I am going to tag the following people:
Miss PrissSmockity FrocksLife with the Hippie and Rifle CollectorQuilt of GraceRocks In My Dryer