So, I have a super cute village popping up in my backyard, mostly courtesy of Craig's List. I recently got a cute little playhouse for free from a person in my neighborhood. She had put it on Craig's List for Free, but no one had responded...I am thinking that since she was REALLY OLD, she must have put it in the wrong area and not under kids, cause I know it would have been gone in a second. Anyways, good for me that I went for a walk and she asked me if my son would like it!! Though it is pink, and took FOREVER to clean, we love it! Bill said we would have to fix the pink with some plastic paint..though he did let me put fake flowers in the "window boxes" on the house, too cute!!
Little Dude is loving his little village. We have a sandbox boat (which I still need to get sand for; if I finish all my Dakno work today I will celebrate by getting him some this afternoon). We have a little castle with a slide and "secret passage" in the back wall. We have a little play house complete with kitchen, table and seats inside, and a little set of chairs and a table I have set up on the outside!
Little Dude and I ate lunch out there the other day-so much fun! I am super glad it is getting warmer! I also found him a little cozy coupe car super cheap that he is in love with. As soon as we go outside he runs to his car and rides around for a bit before doing anything else. He is so fun!
Well, now I am going to get to work on the VA stuff I need to do for Dakno, but then it is lunch outside again! Yay!
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