I am all about getting free stuff, especially free baby stuff! So this Works For Me Wednesday's is about offering you guys the chance to also get some free stuff while learning more about baby bottles.
As you guys know from this post, I have been hearing a lot of information floating around about BPA in baby bottles, and just like you all, trying to figure out how much of a danger BPA is and what products are safe to buy!
Well, it seems that Playtex has taken an interest in my blog as well, and sent me some information to share with all of my readers! They are, indeed, concerned about BPA and plan on clearly marking all their BPA free products and working towards new, BPA free bottles soon in the future! Super yay for us Moms because, in my experience, Playtex has made some of the best, most reliable baby products out there on the market! (You can see this post for my favorite toddler plates and cups by Munchkin)
I am super happy to share Playtex's press release with you, along with a link to help mothers shop for Playtex's current BPA free product's (more to come in the future).
Also, Playtex is offering a link for my readers to get the chance to try out some FREE Playtex BPA-free bottles! You won't have to pay shipping or anything, just go HERE, fill out the information, and Playtex will send you a free sample bottle given that supply is still available. What Parent doesn't love Free?
*****OK, it seems my link is not working for everyone, so here is the url to copy and paste into your browser: http://www.playtexbaby.com/bpafree/info.html This should take you to a form page for Playtex where you can fill out info for getting the free bottles (it might take a moment to load). Sorry about the link not working right!********
Check out Rocks in my Dryer for other great Works For Me Wednesday tips!!