Here he is pushing a toy in his cute PJ's
Hurray! I am no longer sick! I caught a horrible cold a few weeks ago, and since I am pregnant, I was unable to take any meds....ugh. I had a 102.7 fever!!!! Ack! Anyways, now I am all better and very thankful to finally breath without coughing! lol! The cold got me way behind in my Christmas preparations, and sadly, I have run out of time to do a family picture for our Christmas cards this year. :( Drat! Oh well, so all of you will be getting plain cards this year (if I have your address and know you,
Here is a picture of Uncle John, William,Me and Little Dude. This was at the park, what a fun day!
Little Dude is loving the Christmas tree and all our lights! He is also doing very well at not pulling things off the tree or getting into the presents, though he has been fascinated with the bows. He is starting to say some words: "Woof" for Eddie, and "Go". He also said "Dada" the other day, but we are not completely sure he meant Bill, but I like to think so. He has also had a great time making friends with our new neighbors and their children...he loves the older boy, who is a year to the day older! They play very well and it is quite cute to watch. I am super excited for when our next little baby gets here!
My pregnancy is going well, and we got a report of a good, strong heartbeat and some fetal movement already...yay! I am due July 14th, but I will bet I'll come early, as Little Dude was 2 weeks early and a very easy delivery. When it comes closer to the time I'll see if I can make a poll on here to guess the due date and the winner can win some kind of prize...I'll look into it and see, it could be very fun!
In the land of work, Dakno is getting lots of cool, new tools to help real estate agents market their site, including acquiring Blogger Lounge and the ability to create customized Wordpress blogs to go along with our customer websites....all very exciting stuff! I am learning more and more about the world of computers and let me just tell you it is all super fun! I feel quite blessed to have the job I do...not many people get to stay home and play with their kids, work at their own pace, and learn new technology skills!
We also want to congratulate our dear friends, Craig and Melissia, as they are finally done with all their pre-adoption paperwork and now are just awaiting their little angel's homecoming! Very exciting; we are keeping our fingers crossed their child gets to come home to them soon!
In other adoption news, the agency I was looking into (adoption ark) has quit doing Lithuania adoptions due to visa problems that have arisen (Im not sure why) However, the lady I have been speaking to said she hopes to get the program up and started again. I hope they do work out whatever glitch there is, but since we are a long way from having the money to adopt and afford for our family to go over together, I supposed I have plenty of time for the issues to be worked out. I really do hope I can have enough money saved to seriously look into adopting in 3 or 4 years.
Well, I suppose that is all of the update I have for now. Once the holidays are over and everything has slowed down, I will get back to updating more regularly.
We are also very excited about the possibility of a baby coming our way soon. It seems that it has taken forever, but I know that once we hold our little one, the wait will have been so worth it. Congratulations on your pregnancy-Craig and I wish nothing but the best for your family. Hope to see you in the New Year.
Hope you are having a great start to the new year! If you aren't busy, we should get together for lunch or something before I have to start back to school, ugh. Would this Friday or Monday work for you? (School starts back on Wed., and I'm babysitting on Tuesday most of the day). You can email me karenc.bodie@gmail.com or give me a call 919-368-5203 if either of those days works for you!
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