Here is Little Dude eating a lemon...oddly enough, he LOVES lemons and I guess we will never have to worry about
Here is Little Dude standing up all by himself (well, he is holding onto the coffee table, but he did get there all by himself!)
Here is a pic of our tailgate when we went to NASCAR back in May. From left to right, Travis, Joey, Cat, Me, Brandon, and Bill is taking the picture.
Here is Little Dude playing at the park by our house. Little Dude loves playing outside; on this day Bill came home early so he was able to go play with us!
Little Dude is watching some older children play; he LOVES other kids; I think he will be a great big brother.

Here is another NASCAR pic. The race was so fun, esp because of the great friends we went with. We got Little Dude a cute t-shirt from the
track, but he will have to grow a little before he can wear it.

We gave Little Dude a haircut back in June, here is the before of his shaggy hair. You can't see it in this pic, but he had big ringlets around the side and back; I just couldn't get him to hold still long enough to get a clear shot, so I gave up and just took this one. I was sad to cut his hair, it suddenly made him seem like a little boy instead of a baby, but Bill was correct, he did look like a girl.

Here is the after! I did quite a good job, don't you think? Now he looks like a little boy, esp with him walking/cruising along the furniture.

Here is my most favorite teacher in the whole world, Dr. Linda Holley. She taught
Chaucer and Medieval studies at
NC State University. I have the most fun hanging out with her and discussing good books and life in general. Someday I hope I am as intelligent, learned and clever as she is. She is retired and lives on a fabulous farm; Little Dude really enjoyed watching the horses!

We took Little Dude to the beach and he had the most wonderful time! I forgot his hat at home, so Grandpa Ed made one out of a handkerchief...awesome! Doesn't my little guy look like a pirate? Hahah!

Here is a pic of Me and Bill in the stadium at the NASCAR race.
Everything has been going great for us. We are going to Texas for my cousin's wedding this weekend and I can't wait to see everyone! This will be Little Dude's first time meeting his great-grandma so I am all ready with the camera to get great shots! Also, while in Texas, I am going to get to catch up with one of my old
Walt Disney World College Program buddies, Frances! I am soooo happy to see her, she was the coolest roomie and we had the most fun making magic at
The Walt Disney World Resort and doing crazy stuff around Florida!
Our friends, Sarge and Carma, welcomed their little girl, Nykita Allyn into the world on July 1st! She is the cutest, tiniest baby I have ever seen!! I wish we lived close enough to go visit! Here is a pic of the happy new family:

Aren't they beautiful? This was taken only a week after Nykita was born; she is so adorable! Carma, you look radiant!
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