Here is Little Dude playing in his baby pool! Our friends, Craig and Melissa, got it for him. He LOVES it!

Here we are having dinner with our dear friends. Left to right: Little Dude's head at bottom, Bill, Casper, Joe, Andrea, Justin, Briggs, and Dave. I am behind the camera. :)

I found the wonderful little table and two chairs for Little Dude and he loves it! Now he can have a friend over for snack time! (in the future) Doesn't he look big sitting there?

Here is the fam celebrating John's birthday. Left to right: Bil, John, Granny Patty, Little Dude (in Patty's lap), Abuelo Ed, Fab, Leighanne, Julie, and Me. Happy Birthday, John!!!

Here is Little Dude, Bill, and John at the Red and White football game for NC STATE. Little Dude loved it! We can't wait to have him at the games next season! We already have a small jersey and football for him.

Here is Little Dude wearing a retired NC State football helmet. Doesn't he look great in his sunglasses and helmet? We have a real jersey for him at home too....in a few years I will get another picture of him in the full uniform! Perhaps one day he will be running out onto the field at NC State in uniform!

Here is my angel in our yard.

Here we are at the Science museum in Raleigh. There are a bunch of cool looking fish in the tank behind us, but you can't really see them. The sling I have is awesome for saving my back and arms whenever Little Dude gets tried of being in the stroller; I highly recommend slings over other carriers.

Here is my friend Jessica and her son, Kip. You can see the fish better in their picture. We have play dates every Friday, but since it was raining we spent this Friday at the Science museum. I think the kids loved it; esp. watching all the other bigger kids on school trips. Also, I want to add the museum had an AWESOME nursing room that was very comfortable and private; that was so nice since I am way to modest to try breastfeeding in public.
1 comment:
Glad to see he likes his pool. I can't wait to see you all again. I can't believe how big he's gotten.
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