Happy 3rd Anniversary to us! I can't believe that today is our 3rd year married! WOW! Each year just seems to get better!
We had a super fun weekend. I will have an update and pictures of our NASCAR adventure later. Let me just say, I have never been a fan of NASCAR; in fact, I would have told you it was pretty boring and stupid. HOWEVER, we had SO MUCH FUN at the race.
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Here is an update within my post: I have lost my cell phone. I know, I know, I have looked EVERYWHERE. I really hoped Eddie (our dog) would turn up with it, but alas, I think it is gone. Thank goodness I am able to get a new phone for free from Verizon on the 8th of June (you get a new phone upgrade every 2 years with a full cost rebate; Verizon rocks) BUT I will not have one til then AND I don't have anyone's numbers anymore. So guys, if you could, please call the house or email me to leave me your number. Or call Bill on his cell. Or write a letter to the house with your phone number, haha! At any rate, I need your numbers again! Thanks.
Little Dude is now able to stand up all by himself! WOW. There is now a whole new level of baby proofing to be done! I have no idea where I am going to put all the stuff we have on the coffee table right now....haha! Does anyone have tips for how to keep him from pulling the phone cord and knocking the phone off the wall? I am so scared he is going to hit himself in the head with the receiver!! It has gotten to the point that I just don't let him play on the kitchen floor anymore, but I know once he is walking it will be harder to keep him away.Now I wonder how long it will take him to walk? I am excited he is getting close, but very sad too...he's is not really a baby anymore now that he is standing every chance he gets. I guess I am on my way to mothering toddler hood!
On another note, congrats to Connie and her family at Smockity Frocks! They are expecting a little one! She has a cool little count down going that tells you where the baby is developmentally and how many days til it is due! I can't wait to find out what she is having; shopping for baby gifts is so fun!
Another congrats goes out to my friend, Stephanie from Disney World. She and her husband are expecting a baby too! Yay! Man, I am going to get to do a lot of fun baby shopping here soon!! heehee!
Also, everyone keep their fingers crossed for Sam and Dave over at The Road to Maya, they are next to be matched at their agency and are waiting to hear if Maya is coming home soon! Yay!
Today I started sanding and painting the downstairs area we are finishing in our home. Yes, many of you know we started the whole project 2 years ago, and thankfully got the den side done before Little Dude was born, now we are just working on adding a bathroom, laying down wood flooring and painting...yay! So much to do, but we are almost done! I am quite proud of all the work that has been done. If I find a picture of our our first floor used to look (it is a split entry house) I will put it up here with an "after" pic to show the progress we have made! It looks super nice! After it is done we are throwing a huge party! Super Yay! Also, I am getting ready, after I finish painting down stairs (should be done in a few weeks) to paint the upstairs and the dinning room! YAY! I LOVE working on the house and yard...there is always something crafty I can find to do somewhere! I will work on getting pictures and sharing some of my cost effective home decorating and gardening tips soon. If any of you have tips for around the house, drop a line or share them for "Works for me Wednesdays"! You can see cool "Works for me Wednesdays" tips hosted by Rocks In My Dryer!
I got my info packet from Adoption Ark today too! I was super excited to go through it and read everything about what we would have to do to adopt from Lithuania. I have realized though that there are many children who are 4 -17 that really need homes and that there is virtually no one wanting to adopt them...so I really feel that adoption is something we should do someday, but perhaps do it like 7 or 8 years from now and then adopt an older child, say one that is 6-8 years old. What do you guys think? I know the older children often have been through a lot and have had some sort of abuse done to them...but I think that makes it all the more important to adopt them and try to help. We will see though, I am talking about the future and all of us know that life never quite follows our well laid plans.
My job at Dakno is going very well! I am learning a lot about computer code and how real estate web site hosting works...all very exciting since each site is unique! It is quite fun to learn so much new stuff, get paid and still get to stay home for Little Dude. This morning I worked for 2 hours, played with finger paint and sidewalk chalk with Little Dude, and later, while he took a nap, I worked 2 more hours....what an awesome schedule!
Well, I hope everyone has a super fun memorial holiday weekend! Keep prayers and best wishes for all our soldiers and their families, past and present.
Little Dude is now able to stand up all by himself! WOW. There is now a whole new level of baby proofing to be done! I have no idea where I am going to put all the stuff we have on the coffee table right now....haha! Does anyone have tips for how to keep him from pulling the phone cord and knocking the phone off the wall? I am so scared he is going to hit himself in the head with the receiver!! It has gotten to the point that I just don't let him play on the kitchen floor anymore, but I know once he is walking it will be harder to keep him away.Now I wonder how long it will take him to walk? I am excited he is getting close, but very sad too...he's is not really a baby anymore now that he is standing every chance he gets. I guess I am on my way to mothering toddler hood!
On another note, congrats to Connie and her family at Smockity Frocks! They are expecting a little one! She has a cool little count down going that tells you where the baby is developmentally and how many days til it is due! I can't wait to find out what she is having; shopping for baby gifts is so fun!
Another congrats goes out to my friend, Stephanie from Disney World. She and her husband are expecting a baby too! Yay! Man, I am going to get to do a lot of fun baby shopping here soon!! heehee!
Also, everyone keep their fingers crossed for Sam and Dave over at The Road to Maya, they are next to be matched at their agency and are waiting to hear if Maya is coming home soon! Yay!
Today I started sanding and painting the downstairs area we are finishing in our home. Yes, many of you know we started the whole project 2 years ago, and thankfully got the den side done before Little Dude was born, now we are just working on adding a bathroom, laying down wood flooring and painting...yay! So much to do, but we are almost done! I am quite proud of all the work that has been done. If I find a picture of our our first floor used to look (it is a split entry house) I will put it up here with an "after" pic to show the progress we have made! It looks super nice! After it is done we are throwing a huge party! Super Yay! Also, I am getting ready, after I finish painting down stairs (should be done in a few weeks) to paint the upstairs and the dinning room! YAY! I LOVE working on the house and yard...there is always something crafty I can find to do somewhere! I will work on getting pictures and sharing some of my cost effective home decorating and gardening tips soon. If any of you have tips for around the house, drop a line or share them for "Works for me Wednesdays"! You can see cool "Works for me Wednesdays" tips hosted by Rocks In My Dryer!
I got my info packet from Adoption Ark today too! I was super excited to go through it and read everything about what we would have to do to adopt from Lithuania. I have realized though that there are many children who are 4 -17 that really need homes and that there is virtually no one wanting to adopt them...so I really feel that adoption is something we should do someday, but perhaps do it like 7 or 8 years from now and then adopt an older child, say one that is 6-8 years old. What do you guys think? I know the older children often have been through a lot and have had some sort of abuse done to them...but I think that makes it all the more important to adopt them and try to help. We will see though, I am talking about the future and all of us know that life never quite follows our well laid plans.
My job at Dakno is going very well! I am learning a lot about computer code and how real estate web site hosting works...all very exciting since each site is unique! It is quite fun to learn so much new stuff, get paid and still get to stay home for Little Dude. This morning I worked for 2 hours, played with finger paint and sidewalk chalk with Little Dude, and later, while he took a nap, I worked 2 more hours....what an awesome schedule!
Well, I hope everyone has a super fun memorial holiday weekend! Keep prayers and best wishes for all our soldiers and their families, past and present.
Saturday, May 12, 2007
New pictures!
Thursday, May 10, 2007
A Beautiful Day!
Well, as you guys may know, I have been trying out American Sign Language with my son. Finally, I have some progress to report! After months of endless signing to him, he finally has started to return signs; letting me know what he needs or wants. We started with "more", "eat", "water" and "finished". About 3 weeks ago Little Guy started to do "more" but we were not quite certain he was doing it to receive more food/drink/etc or if it was just him mimicking us and not understanding that he was making a request. Well today I gave him a little of my ice cream and he did "more". So I gave him more. Then he did it again. And again. And then, out of the blue, he requested water! I thought I was going to faint. So I gave him the water and then he did "eat". I was so shocked I just looked at him....and then he made a grunt, and did "more eat" TOGETHER. TO-GETH-ER. Whoa. I now feel a whole new dynamic to our relationship...he suddenly is intelligent enough to let me know what he wants....and when he wants it....now I have to be diligent enough to keep learning more signs myself. You can find out more information about Baby Signs here! There are also tons of great books I have used from your local libraries. One I highly recommend is called Sign With Your Baby by Joseph Garcia. I have been doing signs with Little Dude since he was 3 months old....so anyone that starts, just have patience. I have heard that if you wait til a little later (like 7-9 months) the children have the motor skills in place to quickly pick up the signs so you don't feel like you have been endlessly signing with no results; however, I have had a blast signing. Also, any of you concerned about signing delaying speech, the book I recommend covers that concern. In my experience, signing makes me speak even more to my child, as I describe everything orally while signing. I am having great fun with it all!
Also, I have found the perfect stay at home mom job! Some of you know I was trying to find something to give me an extra hobby to keep me busy, as well as extra shopping money. I tried getting into some kind of editing, but none of my efforts panned out (its hard to prove you could do at home editing worthy of pay when your only post graduation work experiences are teaching preschool and managing for Starbucks). But wait! My brother in law, John, called and said his website company, DAKNO, needed a VA (virtual assistant). So, now I get to work with maintaining websites by updating and inserting computer code where needed and get paid for doing it in my own free time! Also, the pay is AWESOME and my hours are whatever I want them to be. My plan for now is to just work while Little Dude is napping, which will give me a solid 15 hours a week to work...that will be a nice little shopping nest egg!! Heehee! My first item I want to by is a Dyson. I am in love with the one make for picking up animal hair.....I am planning on getting it with my first two paychecks. YIPPEEEE! Though, if anyone has had a bad experience with their Dyson and recommend a different vacuum, let me know. So far from my research, I think the Dyson rocks. Hmm...What does being excited about buying a high power vacuum say about me? That I am suddenly old *gasp* and that I am a clean freak taking on the wonderfully dirty job of MOM. :)
Also, I have found the perfect stay at home mom job! Some of you know I was trying to find something to give me an extra hobby to keep me busy, as well as extra shopping money. I tried getting into some kind of editing, but none of my efforts panned out (its hard to prove you could do at home editing worthy of pay when your only post graduation work experiences are teaching preschool and managing for Starbucks). But wait! My brother in law, John, called and said his website company, DAKNO, needed a VA (virtual assistant). So, now I get to work with maintaining websites by updating and inserting computer code where needed and get paid for doing it in my own free time! Also, the pay is AWESOME and my hours are whatever I want them to be. My plan for now is to just work while Little Dude is napping, which will give me a solid 15 hours a week to work...that will be a nice little shopping nest egg!! Heehee! My first item I want to by is a Dyson. I am in love with the one make for picking up animal hair.....I am planning on getting it with my first two paychecks. YIPPEEEE! Though, if anyone has had a bad experience with their Dyson and recommend a different vacuum, let me know. So far from my research, I think the Dyson rocks. Hmm...What does being excited about buying a high power vacuum say about me? That I am suddenly old *gasp* and that I am a clean freak taking on the wonderfully dirty job of MOM. :)
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
I'm Back!
Yay! I have Internet and cable again! For those that don't know, while Bill and I were in Oak Ridge, TN for his work, we canceled unnecessary things (like cable and Internet) back here in Raleigh, NC. So, I just now got around to having it all hooked up again. I am super excited to watch Oprah again. I LOVE Oprah! And I am super excited to get back to all my blogging friends!
Well, new news for us is that I have finally picked out a paint color for the living room and hallway, so that project will be getting underway soon! We are also getting a new roof, so I have been spending time interviewing potential roofers...I think we finally found someone we like, trust, and who has a decent price, so that project will start soon as well! Now my next project is to interview people to replace our windows with those nifty vinyl ones....can you imagine how much easier it will be to clean all the windows in my house? They fold in for easy access to the outside of the window! YAY! I love light and all the windows in our house are huge and great, but SUCH a PAIN to clean....am I too excited to get "easier to clean" windows? I wonder if that means I am old now....hahah!
Little Dude is starting to pull up on stuff, but no steps without help yet. Also, he has figured out how to go from on his tummy to sitting up, a feat he had not mastered til yesterday! Very cool!!
I have been reading some great books lately (I have not updated my reading list yet, I will do that later) on child rearing and adoption. I want to suggest a great one that I just finished and now I have Bill reading. It is called Siblings Without Rivalry I can't think of the authors right now (it's by two women) and Bill has the book in his car, so I will just have to let you guys know about the authors names, but I'm sure you could find the book without their names. Anyways, the book is great for bringing up conflicts that children AND parents create, leading to rivalry. There are great pointers on how to have the children figure out disputes without making one or the other resentful. Wonderful ideas and very quick to read; I highly recommend it. Bill and I are thinking of trying for a second this fall, so we will let you know in a few years if it is working for us. I think it will.
Well, that is all the time I have for today to update, I will do more later.
Well, new news for us is that I have finally picked out a paint color for the living room and hallway, so that project will be getting underway soon! We are also getting a new roof, so I have been spending time interviewing potential roofers...I think we finally found someone we like, trust, and who has a decent price, so that project will start soon as well! Now my next project is to interview people to replace our windows with those nifty vinyl ones....can you imagine how much easier it will be to clean all the windows in my house? They fold in for easy access to the outside of the window! YAY! I love light and all the windows in our house are huge and great, but SUCH a PAIN to clean....am I too excited to get "easier to clean" windows? I wonder if that means I am old now....hahah!
Little Dude is starting to pull up on stuff, but no steps without help yet. Also, he has figured out how to go from on his tummy to sitting up, a feat he had not mastered til yesterday! Very cool!!
I have been reading some great books lately (I have not updated my reading list yet, I will do that later) on child rearing and adoption. I want to suggest a great one that I just finished and now I have Bill reading. It is called Siblings Without Rivalry I can't think of the authors right now (it's by two women) and Bill has the book in his car, so I will just have to let you guys know about the authors names, but I'm sure you could find the book without their names. Anyways, the book is great for bringing up conflicts that children AND parents create, leading to rivalry. There are great pointers on how to have the children figure out disputes without making one or the other resentful. Wonderful ideas and very quick to read; I highly recommend it. Bill and I are thinking of trying for a second this fall, so we will let you know in a few years if it is working for us. I think it will.
Well, that is all the time I have for today to update, I will do more later.
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