Monday, September 17, 2007

It's Fun to be ONE!!!

Well, a ton of stuff has been going on lately! In recent news, Little Dude turned ONE on the 4th! Crazy! This has been the fastest year of my life! I will have pictures of the awesome birthday celebration posted soon!

Little Dude is starting to walk everywhere and is suddenly becoming very independent...we had a melt down at breakfast when I tried to feed him applesauce....he wanted to do it himself. So, I decided to let him. He had SOOOO MUCH FUN using his spoon. He also made the BIGGEST MESS I have very seen. It took forever to clean, but seeing him feed himself was priceless and well worth it.

My brother in law, Fab, won the Raleigh art contest (I don't know if that was actually the name of the contest) for designing a mural to be on a city bus. So, on the 22nd of this month we get to go downtown to see the unveiling of his design, and if you guys see any buses with murals on them, then you know it was by my now semi famous brother in law, Fab! Cool, eh?

We spent a fun week at the beach with the whole family and some friends and Little Dude LOVED the water..he became even braver than last time and would try to get in the waves.....he just laughed when they crashed around him! I think I have a future swimmer! Our beach house had a pool too, so on days the waves were to rough, we would swim with him in the pool. He loved it.

Our friends, Joey and Cat, got married last week. Yay! Joey and I used to be college roommates, and now Joey and Bill work together (and they have been great friends for a super long time through college too!) Their wedding was so pretty and super fun too! Again, I will work on getting pictures posted soon. I know, I am horrible at getting pictures off my camera and onto the home computer.

And in GREAT news, NC STATE won a game! YAY! I was getting worried for a bit. We took Little Dude to the game and he had so much fun! The couple that have lifetime rights in front of us have an 18 month old girl, so we had fun talking about the kids and letting them "talk" to each other. Little Dude loved the entire game and he was so well behaved that we stayed the whole game. He got so excited and clapped when we would cute! to come.....

Well, I guess that is all the update I have for now! Take care!
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