Well we had our friends, Mike and Beth (who are also expecting their first baby in April!!) over for dinner last night and Little Dude decided it was the perfect time to show off how he has been taking steps. For weeks now he has been taking a step here, a step there, but last night, with Mike, Beth, Bill and me cheering him on he got all the way to 6 steps in a row!! YAYAYAYAY! It was so much fun to watch him working at balancing. My little baby isn't so little anymore.
As of this morning he refuses to hold on to anything and just keeps trying to take steps. His "walking" has slowed him down for a short bit, but I know once he has it down he will start running again, only now I won't be able to count on him stopping when the furniture or wall stops...uh oh! hahah!
On the teeth frontier, Little Dude now has 6! I think the two side lower ones (nice description, I know) are coming in, so we will see! I am now having lots of fun brushing his teeth at night and he really does seem to like it. It probably feels good against his gums where he is cutting teeth still. Bill says I am a little obsessive about brushing his teeth; however, I am a child that had
baby bottle tooth decay and trust me it is not fun. I have nursed Little Dude up until he bit me again last week....his second offense was the third strike...lol...so he is now done nursing (which we were down to just one nursing at night anyway.) So now at night before bed he gets a bath, a bottle, teeth brushed, story time and put him to bed. So far the routine is working OK, he cries for a bit, but for the most part will go to bed pretty quickly.
Little Dude has also gotten very curious about how things work and work together...he has a blast putting the cap on a water bottle and it will entertain him for a LOOOONNNNGGG time. Which is nice, but I also have to sit and watch him to make sure he doesn't start putting the cap in his mouth. I need to find something that works the same way but with a slightly bigger cap, so he can still hold it easily, but not get it in his mouth. If you guys think of anything, let me know.
Dakno is going great and I am learning tons about the Real Estate field and Web Design. You guys should check out our
website Some of it is still under construction, but I think you will enjoy seeing what I do! And the new look is really sophisticated! I had originally been thinking I would go back to teaching pre-school once Little Dude got into school himself, but now I am reconsidering. I am learning so much by working at Dakno and it is really fun work too! We do web design and hosting for all kinds of websites, but our program is geared towards making a REALTOR'S life easy. Honestly, too, I don't know how any real estate REALTOR can afford to not have a website set up by Dakno Marketing. Our program is amazingly easy for updating and as a REALTOR you could have us do all the busy work updating your listings.
Also, I am just LOVING working from home, making my own hours, and still making enough to buy cool birthday presents for Bill! ( I got him a
Wii and a ton of accessories and games with the money I have saved. Let me just say the only way to play a Wii is on our projector!) Now I am saving up for a cool dishwasher. Ours is crazy old and doesn't work so well. I found a great one at
Home Depot. The info on it says not to pre-rinse because it wastes water...the dishwasher has its own disposal/food trap and will get all the food off...amazing. No pre-rinsing? It is the Frigidaire FDB2000RFC and I am in love with it. I'm still in love with the Dyson vacuums too, but since they are far more expensive, and I keep finding other items for the house to buy first, it may be a few more months before I get one. Besides, the one I want is the newest Animal model, so if I wait til the 08 model comes out, then perhaps the price will go down? Maybe? We will see.....