Wednesday, March 28, 2007
The end of swim class
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
New pictures and news
Little Dude is now swimming quite well and even going under water for brief periods of time. All in all, the swim class has been amazing and I recommend anyone with kids starting them early in the pool. We have learned all kinds of songs and activities in the water for making it fun and easy. Very Nice!
We went to a rodeo with some friends and it was great fun! One of the Bull riders had his shoulder dislocated too...ouch! They also had pony rides for all the kids too and our friend's little girl LOVE it! Our Little Dude was too little...maybe next year....
We are going to the Zoo on the 31st and I can't wait!
We are having a big BBQ at our house on the 24th around 3pm.
Little Dude is trying to get his knees under himself so he can crawl on all
We are going to a Seder dinner at church on the 26th
I am counting down the minutes until the Discovery Channel (one of my top 4 channels) has "Planet Earth" on. Also, the same night and time (8pm est) the Science Channel (another top 4)has "Mammals vs Dinos" on....its going to be a race of flipping between the two is the time I wish we had TiVo! haha! I am a dork, I know.
Since some asked, here are my (Michelle) top four channels, in no particular order:
1 Discovery Channel. I have been excited about "Planet Earth" for months
2 Science Channel. "Survivor Man" has me ready to face any natural disaster. "How it's Made" rocks and again, I have been excited for months about "Mammal vs. Dino". Also, I love all the shows about the old and new testaments from a scientific point of view...funny, but those shows make my faith seem even stronger and more clear...they are awesome.
3 Fox News. Of the news channels, they seem the least biased and I love Bill O'Reilly, he is great at making people look like idiots when they try to support some immoral thing they are doing. Also, it is the ONLY news channel that shows a right wing side as well as left is more right than left, but since all the others are waaaaaaay left, I like Fox News.
4 Food Network. Most awesome channel ever. I have dozens of recipes now and I am a faithful watchers of Rachael Ray, Giada DeLauentiis, Paula Dean and Sara Snow. I always check what they are cooking online and if it sounds good I turn the show on. It is great to watch while folding laundry and cooking dinner. Just ask Bill...he is loving my new cooking skills. He said he would've gotten me to stay home long ago if he'd know it would improve my cooking. :)
O.K., back to updates:
We have multiple friends adopting
We have filled out and submitted our part of the adoption process for two of our friends (reference, essay on character and ect) The process was a little stressful because we knew the adoption agency would carefully consider all we had to say in determining accepting our friends applications to adopt. After many re-writes and edits, I must say we sent in one kick-ass reference! Now they have a few papers to fill out and send off, then the waiting begins until they are matched. How exciting!!! Here is the agency our friends are adopting through. I am so happy for them and all couples who are adopting.
I am also esp. happy for the brave, smart women who loved their child and cherished life enough to give him/her to adoptive parents. There is no greater gift to the child or the adoptive parents or even to the birth parents than to support life and adoption. Simply because a "mistake" was made and you may not personally want to parent a child, it does not mean that you need to abort; there are so many loving people who long for nothing more than to raise and love a child. I feel like everyone should support adoption over abortion when at all possible. There is a new law in the works in South Carolina that will now have women seeking abortion look at their baby through ultra sound before aborting...what a wonderful thing they are doing. For those that want the choice, they still have it, but they get an INFORMED choice...they get to see the tiny fingers, toes and heartbeat. They get the chance to turn the idea of being pregnant into a real image and perhaps that will end in more babies being put up for adoption rather than murdered for mistakes they never made. You can find more info on this bill here. Also, any of my pro-choice friends out there are free to give me their point of view on this law. Since I am and always will be pro-life, I suppose I am biased; it would be fair to peacefully hear the other point of view.
Also on the topic of protecting our children, here is a great letter for senators and governor's voting on the National Sex Offender Registry that we should all send out. You can get the letter (or ideas for your own) from Oprah (yes, she rocks). You can also find your rep's mail addresses at: and your congress' addresses at:
On a different, happier topic, here are some new pics I have been promising! Also, one of my friend's from swim class had her husband drop by to take some pictures of all of us, so as soon as she sends them to me, I will post them! That solves my whole problem of how to get pictures in the pool without getting my camera wet! Yay!
More busy playing with Daddy!
We went to a rodeo with some friends and their children as part of our St. Patrick celebration! (I know, not very Irish, but totally fun and American) This was Little Dude's first rodeo! He seems to like it!
Will, Little Dude, Jade and Cindy waiting for the rodeo to start. We got seats behind where the cows waited; it was so fun watching them play! As you can see, Jade loved the cows! Cindy is also expecting her second child soon! Cindy, her husband, Jim, and their daughter Jade are great friends and super fun to hang out with!
Well, that is about all we have been up to so far this month. We are getting ready for some weddings that are coming up; my cousin in Texas is getting married soon and we are super excited to fly down and see everyone! Then we have some friends getting married in Aug and another pair getting married in October! What a fun, busy year we are getting ready to have! I guess I better start looking at Travelocity soon! (I just want to add I LOVE the gnome in the commercials, I want one for my garden!) Bye!
Friday, March 16, 2007
Crawling and band things

Wednesday, March 7, 2007
Little Swimmers
MOMS club is great; we are loving the play dates! Little Dude is becoming quite social and quite fascinated with the other children! I'm glad he is already confident enough to roll away from me and play with other kids, though a little sad he is already showing independence. I did actually cave to some of the home made baby food recipes...avocado is now a favorite of our Little Dude's...though I love it so much too that I guess that is not a huge surprise. Since I don't have a food processor I have gotten away without to much scrutiny on buying baby food...but one of the mom's made a comment that kinda hit me.....there are not much variety out there in the land of baby food. It's the save 4 veggies, same 4 fruits and variations of those mixed with beef or chicken or turkey. So, on that thought, I have decided to make what I can and so far Little Dude has LOVED it...he has had avocado, cottage cheese, yogurt, cucumber and mashed potatoes. Amazing? And all things I can fix for him with minimal work or clean Borat would say...VERY NICE!
Also in other big news, we have a crib for Little Dude! Yes, I know, we had one back home but since it was a free used one, it was hard to get together and we did not want to take it apart for Little Dude has been sleeping in a pack n play since out growing his bassinet. The pack and play has been fine, except now he is getting up on his hands and knees every so often, so we were scared of him pulling up inside the pack n play and falling out. Yes, we know we can take the raised part out and use the big pack n play, but you forget how short I am! Ha ha! I tried a few times having him sleep in the big area and I ended up having to drop him the last few inches, which was a disaster if he was asleep and no so pleasant if he was awake....SOOOOOOOO Bill and I talked and decided it was worth the money to get a good crib, esp since the crib, the bassinet and pack n play (along with a lot of other great things, like an awesome breast pump and tons of clothes) were all given to us. Since we have not had to buy a single expensive item for him yet, we decided to get a good convertible one and let me just say it is AWESOME. It converts into the cutest toddler bed, then day bed, then full size bed. AMAZING. It is so beautiful too and will be a beautiful bed for him when he's older. Also, once we have a second child, one will have the crib, and the other the toddler bed; super exciting! I'm bringing up his crib bedding from home this weekend and really getting his nursery here set up right. I am super excited!
It is amazing how much it is feeling like home here now. I guess that happens after living somewhere for 6 months, but now that our time will be counting down from here til Aug and we have the possibility of going up to Virginia I am a little sad to think of leaving. Esp our church, it is wonderful and very active...compared to our little church back home, we selfishly wish we could take All Saint's back home, or to VA. Well, Little Dude is up from his nap and ready to eat...we are actually having chicken and apples (from a baby jar) so I better get going! Bye!